Category: Big Boxes
Breeding Warty Newts
Secrets to breeding the cryptic warty newt. [...]
Designing And Building A Vivarium
Step-by-step instructions for creating a unique and attractive vivarium from the ground up. [...]
Cuban False Chameleon Breeding
Expert breeding tips for the Cuban false chameleon. [...]
Tips For Creating Your Lost Reptile Flyer
How to create and distribute a "lost" flyer when your herp escapes. [...]
Successfully Reproducing Mexican Kingsnakes In Captivity
Brumation is key to breeding. [...]
How to Build Your Own Chameleon Lizard Cage
Building your own chameleon lizard cage is often a satisfying experience. [...]
Essential Care For The Electric Blue Day Gecko
Lygodactylus williamsi requires specific care due to its dwarf size. [...]
Care, Breeding And Caudal Luring Of The Rough-scaled Sand Boa
The rough-scaled sand boa is a good choice for the beginner or advanced herpetoculturist. [...]
Care For The Spotted Salamander
Expert care tips for the spotted salamander [...]
Crocodile Newts Tylototriton Breeding
The genus Tylototriton currently contains eight species of salamanders native to China. [...]
Budgett’s Frogs
Care for the hefty, large-mouthed Budgett’s frog. [...]
Crested Gecko Morph Madness
A variety of crested gecko morphs are created every year. [...]
Colubrid Feeding
Overcome feeding problems in colubrid snakes. [...]
Jungle Carpet Python Care Tips
How to find and care for a jungle carpet python. [...]
A History Of The Pet Hatchling Aquatic Turtle Trade In The United States
Popular in the 1960s, the red eared slider was the poster animal for the mail order/dime store reptile [...]
Reptile Water Requirements
A complete look at the water hydration needs and requirements of reptiles. [...]
The Avid Herper
Print out a full page copy of The Avid Herper and hang it on your wall! [...]
Blue-Spotted Monitor
Care for the rare and challenging blue-spotted monitor (Varanus macraei). [...]
Venomous Reptiles And The Law
Liability is the single most important legal concern for those with an interest in venomous reptiles. [...]
Choosing a Pet Gecko
Geckos are excellent pets that are relatively easy to keep. [...]
Green Iguana Care
Everything you need to know to successfully care for the green iguana. [...]
Spiny-Tailed Monitor Lizard Care Tips
Monitor lizards are quickly becoming popular in both zoos and private collections. [...]
Keeping And Breeding Asian Water Dragons
Commonly called the Asian water dragon, it's also known as the Chinese or green water dragon. [...]
Deworming Tortoises
What medications should I use when deworming my tortoises? [...]