Category: Beginner Questions

1 2 372 / 72 POSTS
The Scoop On Reptile Poop

The Scoop On Reptile Poop

Most herps’ droppings don’t last long out in the rigors of nature. [...]
Herp Queries: Photographing A Venomous Snake

Herp Queries: Photographing A Venomous Snake

Never allow any part of your body to come within striking range. [...]
Cruising Roads And Looking For Reptiles

Cruising Roads And Looking For Reptiles

Is the road surface considered to be a natural habitat for photos? [...]
Herp Queries: What Kingsnake Closely Resembles A Corn Snake?

Herp Queries: What Kingsnake Closely Resembles A Corn Snake?

Reddish examples of the mole kingsnake (Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata) of the southeastern U.S. strongly resemble corn snakes and sometime c [...]
Herp Queries: Green Iguana Morphs

Herp Queries: Green Iguana Morphs

With several exciting new color variants slowly becoming more available, expect a gradual comeback of this magnificent saurian. [...]
Herp Queries: How Powerful Is The Snapping Turtle Bite?

Herp Queries: How Powerful Is The Snapping Turtle Bite?

Common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) quickly defend themselves out of water, but underwater, they are scaredy cats and opt to avoid confronta [...]
Herp Queries: Unwanted Attention

Herp Queries: Unwanted Attention

Is wearing a reptile related t-shirt in a state or national park enough to cause suspicion? [...]
Herp Queries: Carpet Python Or Diamond Python. What's The Difference?

Herp Queries: Carpet Python Or Diamond Python. What's The Difference?

Diamond pythons are a race of carpet python — a not-so-distinct subspecies. [...]
Herp Queries: Why Doesn’t My Spiny Softshell Turtle Have Spines?

Herp Queries: Why Doesn’t My Spiny Softshell Turtle Have Spines?

Hatchling spiny softshell turtles (Apalone spinifera) don’t yet possess the “spines” on the fronts of their shells, above their heads, that will appea [...]
Herp Queries: Do Snakes Get Dirty?

Herp Queries: Do Snakes Get Dirty?

Snakes definitely do get dirty, as evidenced by this leucistic eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) shedding its old, soiled skin [...]
Herp Queries: Can I Keep A Thorny Devil?

Herp Queries: Can I Keep A Thorny Devil?

Thorny devils (Moloch horridus) are native to Australia and are illegal to keep or export out of the country. [...]
Herp Queries: Where Can I Go Herping In Southern California?

Herp Queries: Where Can I Go Herping In Southern California?

Palm Springs is one of many great locations in Southern California to observe reptiles in the wild. [...]
Herp Queries: Are Just A Few Reptile Species Dominating The Hobby?

Herp Queries: Are Just A Few Reptile Species Dominating The Hobby?

Question: Am I imagining it, or are a few types of reptiles, such as ball pythons, now dominating the market? They’re nice and all, but I’ [...]
Herp Queries With Bill Love: Know Your Latin Reptile Name

Herp Queries With Bill Love: Know Your Latin Reptile Name

It’s good to keep the scientific names of flora and fauna in front of people’s faces, to remind them that there’s still plenty to discover. [...]
Bearded Dragon Will Not Eat

Bearded Dragon Will Not Eat

My bearded dragon recently stopped eating and I was wondering what would cause this? [...]
Careful Buying Reptiles

Careful Buying Reptiles

How to be careful and safe when buying reptiles. [...]
Reptiles In Public

Reptiles In Public

What are your thoughts on the trend of discouraging live reptiles being displayed in public? [...]
Children And Reptiles

Children And Reptiles

Q: I am thinking of purchasing a yellow ackie monitor (Acanthurus bracyurus) for my son. I have some experience with snakes but have never owned a [...]
The Extras in Owning a Lizard

The Extras in Owning a Lizard

What would be a good first lizard? Would it get along with my dog? [...]
Herps And Invertebrates

Herps And Invertebrates

Tarantulas and scorpions aren’t herps. Why are they always lumped together with them? [...]
Taming Reptiles

Taming Reptiles

Please help me! I am 11 years old, and I have a problem with my blue-tongued skink. He is kind of mean. I love him, but I want him to be nicer so t [...]
1 2 372 / 72 POSTS