Author: Bill Love

Can A Reptile Be Partially Albino?
Gulf Coast box turtles and alligator snapping turtles are two turtles in which males sometimes lose pigment on their heads when fully mature. [...]

Photographing Reptiles Behind Glass Enclosures
When photographing reptiles behind glass, let the flash strike it from an angle of 15 degrees off the perpendicular or greater. [...]

Herp Queries: Reptile Shows And Germs
Have young ones wash their hands after touching herps, or any animals for that matter. Most all tables at the shows have antibacterial disinfectant fo [...]

Is There A Snake That Does Not Bite?
People entering the herp hobby via a pet retailer often assume that if it’s for sale to the public, then it must be tame. Don’t assume that any animal [...]

Are Gila Monsters And Chuckwallas Look-Alike Lizards?
Chuckwallas (Sauromalus ater) resemble Gila monsters (Heloderma suspectum) in appearance, although to what degree depends largely on your prior exposu [...]

Herp Queries: Photo Critique Concerns When Shooting Reptiles
If you post pictures in a public forum, I’m afraid you’re stuck accepting (not necessarily cheerfully) whatever comments accrue. [...]

Herp Queries: Something About Skinks
Most skinks native to the United States are small (under 6 inches in total length) and tend to be of the long, slender body conformation. [...]

Herp Queries: Use Good Judgment With Children And Reptiles
It’s necessary for kids to learn such things “gently” in order to dodge more serious ones that will surely come along later in life. [...]

Herp Queries: The 4-Inch Turtle Law
The law is aimed at curtailing commercial sales of small turtles, which often end up as pets of small children. [...]

Field Herping For Snakes: Driving Or On Foot?
Walking through a herp’s habitat to find it offers the added pleasure of communing with nature up close. [...]

The Scoop On Reptile Poop
Most herps’ droppings don’t last long out in the rigors of nature. [...]

Herp Queries: Photographing A Venomous Snake
Never allow any part of your body to come within striking range. [...]

Cruising Roads And Looking For Reptiles
Is the road surface considered to be a natural habitat for photos? [...]

Herp Queries: What Kingsnake Closely Resembles A Corn Snake?
Reddish examples of the mole kingsnake (Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata) of the southeastern U.S. strongly resemble corn snakes and sometime c [...]

Herp Queries: How Powerful Is The Snapping Turtle Bite?
Common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) quickly defend themselves out of water, but underwater, they are scaredy cats and opt to avoid confronta [...]

Peter's Banded Skink Information
Peter’s banded skink is a newcomer to the trade that has arrived from northern Africa in just the past couple years. [...]

Herp Queries: A Career in Herp Photography
Take lots of photos and post them where they’ll be seen widely, like on Internet forums. [...]

Herp Queries: Are People Still Keeping Horny Toads?
The horny toad a.k.a. horned lizard, is best left in the wild. [...]

Herp Queries: Unwanted Attention
Is wearing a reptile related t-shirt in a state or national park enough to cause suspicion? [...]

What Grammar Mistakes Do Folks Make When Writing About Herps?
It is Colombian boa, not Columbian boa. [...]

Herp Queries: Carpet Python Or Diamond Python. What's The Difference?
Diamond pythons are a race of carpet python — a not-so-distinct subspecies. [...]

Herp Queries: Why Doesn’t My Spiny Softshell Turtle Have Spines?
Hatchling spiny softshell turtles (Apalone spinifera) don’t yet possess the “spines” on the fronts of their shells, above their heads, that will appea [...]

Herp Queries: Pros And Cons Of ATV Use When Field Herping
All terrain vehicles can be helpful when herping in certain situations. [...]

Herp Queries: Do Snakes Get Dirty?
Snakes definitely do get dirty, as evidenced by this leucistic eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) shedding its old, soiled skin [...]