Category: Z_Import Misc

Pets In The Classroom Launches Campaign To Put Pets In 30,000 Classrooms
Pets in the Classroom grant program near the halfway point of reaching its goals. [...]
From The Editor’s Desk 2012
It seems to be the natural progression that once you become interested in reptiles and amphibians, you invariably wander into the wild to see them in [...]

Rescued Ploughshare Tortoises To Kickstart Breeding Program In Europe
Seized from smugglers in Hong Kong, 13 ploughshare tortoises (Astrochelys yniphora) will be placed in England and the Netherlands. [...]

Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Successfully Breeds Orange-Tailed Skinks
Critically endangered orange-tailed skinks produce 16 offspring. [...]

Tortoise Taped To Helium Balloons Rescued In Oceanside, California
If culprit or culprits are found, animal abuse charges could be filed. [...]

Puerto Rico Offers Incentives For Iguana Hunters
Commonwealth is hoping that hunters will capture iguanas and export the meat to other countries. [...]

Skin Structure Of Snakes Depends On Environment
Certain snake skins could help to develop engineering applications. [...]

More Than 1,000 Turtles Escape From Georgia Turtle Farm
Enclosure was damaged by vandals, which enabled the turtles to escape. [...]

Scientists Try To Inoculate Sierra Yellow-Legged Frog Tadpoles Against Chytrid
J.liv bacteria may help to protect amphibians from chytrid. [...]

Heat Seeker
Supplement to the February 2008 REPTILES magazine article "Heat Seeker." [...]
In Pursuit Of Antivenom
Searching for venomous snakes in Sri Lanka. [...]

Green Tree Python Enclosure
Bonus content from the December 2010 REPTILES magazine article "6 Steps to Success." [...]

Choosing Desert Lizards
Bonus content from the December 2010 REPTILES magazine article "Build a Desert Lizard Vivarium." [...]

Breeding Fat-Tailed Geckos
Bonus content from the December 2009 REPTILES magazine article "Up-and-Coming Gecko." [...]

Breeding The Rufous-Beaked Snake
Supplement to the December 2008 REPTILES magazine article "Personality Plus." [...]

Diagnosing Snake Inclusion Body Disease And The Value Of A Snake Necropsy
It is not possible to diagnose inclusion body disease (IBD) in live snakes based only on clinical signs. Biopsy of certain tissues on a live animal or [...]

Breeding Amethystine Pythons
Supplement to the December 2008 REPTILES magazine article "Amethystine Python." [...]

Snake Feeding Chart
Bonus content from the August 2010 REPTILES magazine article "Win Over Reluctant Feeders." [...]

Dart Frog Vivarium Plants
Choosing plants for your dart frog vivarium. [...]
Frills Included
Frilled dragons are flashy and fairly easy to keep. [...]

Boomslang Breeding
Supplement to the August 2008 REPTILES magazine article "Boomslang." [...]
Herping The Pearl
Known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka boasts a wide variety of unique flora and fauna. [...]
Getting Ahead
Achieve success breeding the beautiful black-headed python. [...]