Category: Turtle & Tortoise Breeding
Serrated Hinge-back Tortoises Successfully Bred At Georgia's Dalton State College
The college says the species has rarely been bred in captivity. [...]

Northern River Terrapins in India's Sundarbans National Tiger Sanctuary
The Sundarbans, located between India and Bangladesh, because of a physical environment that includes saltwater crocodiles, numerous insects and a lar [...]

Zoo Knoxville Successfully Hatches a Black-breasted Leaf Turtle
Zoo Knoxville first successfully hatched a black-breasted leaf turtle back in 2005. [...]

Herp Queries With Bill Love: Temperature-dependent Sex Determination
What exactly is TSD? [...]

Aussie Teen Helps Raise Funds for New Western Swamp Tortoise Breeding Facility
Andrew Triglavcanin, a 13-year-old from Perth, Australia has raised $400 for a new breeding facility for the western swamp tortoise (Pseudemydura umbr [...]

Keeping The Radiated Tortoise
Captive breeding makes the critically endangered radiated tortoise available to enthusiasts.
There is no vertebrate group facing greater survi [...]

Bog Turtle Breeding
The bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) is a small and charismatic species. Captive bred animals are easy to care for and easy to breed. This spe [...]

Build The Best Breeding Enclosure For Your Russian Tortoises
Building an indoor Russian tortoise breeding enclosure. [...]

Asian Box Turtle Care Tips And Breeding Notes
Cuora amboinensis is not shy, and this turtle typically makes a very entertaining and active pet. [...]

Breeding Blanding’s Turtles
Tips on breeding Blandings turtles [...]

Breeding Pancake Tortoises
Start with a pair of healthy Malacochersus tornieri [...]

Egyptian Tortoise Breeding Observations
Egyptian tortoise breeding information. [...]
Keeled Box Turtle Breeding Program At Tennessee Aquarium Yields A Newly Hatched Turtle
Newly hatched Cuora mouhotii brings the total number at the aquarium to six. [...]

Spine Turtle Hatches At Prague Zoo
Zoo is second facility in Europe to successfully hatch Heosemys spinosa. [...]

Tennessee Aquarium Hatches Red-headed Amazon River Turtles And Four-Eyed Turtles
The aquarium also hatched Florida chicken turtles and yellow-blotched map turtles. [...]

Leopard Tortoise Care And Breeding Tips
Stigmochelys pardalis will thrive in captivity and become very personable pets. [...]

Painted Terrapin Breeding
Breeding the unusual and interesting painted terrapin. [...]
Sand Color Influences Green Sea Turtle Egg Incubation
Hatching temperatures vary according to beach sand color [...]
Australia's Mary River Turtle Under Threat Due To Climate Change
Unusual Increase in incubation temperature impacts hatchling behavior [...]

Red-Footed Tortoise Breeding
Information on breeding red-footed tortoises (Chelonoidis [Geochelone] carbonaria). [...]

Snake-Necked Turtle Breeding
Breeding the common snake-necked turtle. [...]

Breeding Golden Greek Tortoises
Expert tips on breeding golden Greek tortoises [...]
Overharvesting The Pig-Nosed Turtle
Scientists study the overharvesting of the pig-nosed turtle. [...]

Breeding Diamondback Terrapins
Expert tips on breeding diamondback terrapins. [...]