Category: Snake Information & News
Reward For Info Leading To Conviction Of Person Who Killed Rocky The Eastern Indigo Snake
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources' Georgia DNR Law Enforcement is looking for the person or persons who poached and killed an endangered Eas [...]
Do You Want To Build A Snow Snake? These Coloradans Already Did
When it snows what do you do? Build a snowman? For a family in Denver, CO, a snowman was too quaint, so they set out and built a snow snake. That's r [...]
Milksnake Captured In Florida Everglades
A Central American milksnake (Lampropeltis abnorma) was spotted in the Everglades National Park the week of February 25 and was safely captured by USG [...]

Florida FWC Votes To Ban Commercial Breeding And Keeping Of Pythons, Tegus, Other Reptiles
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted today to ban the commercial breeding and keeping of several invasive species of reptiles i [...]

Researchers In Taiwan Document Formosa Kukri Snake Gutting And Eating Banded Bullfrogs
Last year, researchers in Thailand documented how the small-banded kukri snake, (Oligodon fasciolatus) used its posterior maxillary teeth to slash ope [...]

Cousins Capture 16-foot Burmese Python 3 Hours North Of Everglades National Park
A 16-foot Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) was apparently sunning itself on private property when Aaron Brown and his mother spotted the rep [...]

Burmese Python Stolen From Arizona Reptile Shop Returned 8 Months Later
A granite Burmese python (Python bivittatus) stolen last June from an Arizona reptile shop has been returned to the shop, thanks to some tireless dete [...]

Dragon Snake Care And Information
Xenodermus javanicus, or the dragon snake, is a small and unique species of Colubrid snake renowned for its unusual but fascinating appearance. Also k [...]

Seven Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes Born At Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Ohio’s Columbus Zoo and Aquarium announced February 3 the birth of seven eastern massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus), one of the smallest ra [...]

Sidewinder Belly Skin Different Than Non-Sidewinding Snakes
Researchers in the United States wanted to know what makes sidewinder snakes move the way they do, so they took a microscopic look at the shed skin of [...]

Burmese Pythons Are Resistant To Cobra Neurotoxins
A new study coming out the University of Queensland in Australia has found that certain snake species that are preyed upon by venomous cobras have bec [...]

Trump Pardons Snake Trafficker In Last Days Of Presidency
As one of his last acts as president, former President Donald J. Trump pardoned a man who was convicted of snake trafficking in the early 1990s. Rober [...]

Brown Tree Snake’s Lasso Locomotion Helps It Climb Trees To Eat Birds On Guam
Lasso locomotion expands the climbing repertoire of snakes [...]

Higher Body Temps In Island Lizards Help Them Escape Snake Predation
A four decade study of Japan’s Okada's five-lined skink (Plestiodon latiscutatus) and its main predator, the Japanese four-lined rat snake (Elaphe qua [...]

Police In Peabody, MA Seek Ball Python Thieves
Two thieves entered a Peabody, MA Petco and ran off with an albino cinnamon ball python (Python regius) that they falsely told the sales clerk that th [...]

Philippine Burrowing Snake Species Discovered In University Collection
A subterranean snake that was collected in the Philippines in 2006 and 2007 was misidentified in the field and spent more than 10 years in the Univers [...]

Florida FWC’s Python Dogs Bag First Invasive Burmese Python
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission announced that its latest efforts to “sniff” out Burmese pythons on public lands in south Florid [...]

Tesla Factory Paused In Berlin Amid Concerns For Sand Lizards And Smooth Snakes
Construction of Tesla’s Gigfactory and car manufacturing plant near the city of Berlin in Germany was halted for the second time this week after a cou [...]

New Species Of Odd-Scaled Snake Discovered In Vietnam
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History researchers announced today that they have discovered and described a new species of burrowing snake fr [...]

Monk In Myanmar Takes In Pythons, Other Snakes Rescued From Black Market
Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus), vipers and cobras that were previously destined for the black market animal trade have found a refuge in the mona [...]
Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Save Eggs From Road-Killed Carpet Python
A carpet python (Morelia spilotes) that got hit by a car and died in Australia was gravid with 12 eggs, and Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors were able [...]
Vets Save Cottonmouth. She Throws Up Two Garter Snakes And A Leopard Frog
Veterinarians at Hatteras Island Wildlife Rehabilitation in Frisco, NC were in for a big surprise, well three actually, when the cottonmouth snake (Ag [...]
Three Ball Pythons Abandoned In Pennsylvania Town
Police in Middletown Township, PA were called to a residence in Levittown after a four foot long ball python was found in a man's garage. And after po [...]

Two-headed Southern Black Racer Found In Florida
A two-headed southern black racer (Coluber constrictor priapus) was found by a Palm Harbor family in good health. The snake is currently at the FWC Fi [...]