Category: More Reptile Reading
Researchers Discover Two New Anole Lizards In Southern Ecuador
Anolis hyacinthogularis ,has a blue dewlap, while Anolis lososi is named after famed anole researcher Jonathan Losos. [...]
Paleontologists In China Discover Pterosaur Nest Of Ancient Reptile Eggs
More than 200 eggs were found, including 16 that have detailed embryos of Hamipterus tianshanensis. [...]
Indian Star Tortoise Care And Breeding Tips
Tips for keeping one of the world’s most attractive tortoises—the Indian star tortoise. [...]
Reptile Roadkill
Very few studies on herp road kill numbers exist, however, and they don’t exist for the U.S. as a whole. [...]
California Kingsnake Care, Breeding and Morphs
Captive breeding and new morphs keep this favorite pet snake fresh and exciting. [...]
Database Of 74 Percent Of All Snake Species From 27 Countries Released
Researchers studied distribution patterns, collection records and frequency of occurrence from 147,515 contributions for a total of 886 snake species. [...]
Honolulu Zoo Opens Newly Renovated Ectotherm Complex
The new reptile facility is three years in the making at a cost of $3 million. [...]
Man Pleads Guilty To Trafficking Box Turtles
Byron Paul Pitre was convicted, sentenced to three years probation, and fined $2,500. [...]
Texas Biologist Hopes To Move Endangered Texas Tortoises To Abilene Zoo
The Texas tortoise is the only native tortoise in Texas. [...]
Can A Reptile Be Partially Albino?
Gulf Coast box turtles and alligator snapping turtles are two turtles in which males sometimes lose pigment on their heads when fully mature. [...]
Carpet Python In Seattle Missing Its Owner
Hopefully this python will find its way back to its owner. [...]
Stranded Olive Ridley Turtle Found On Oregon Beach
The stranded olive ridley sea turtle had a body temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit. A temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit is considered normal. [...]
Green Iguana Rescued By Kayak Fisherman Four Miles Off Key West, Florida
The lizard saw the kayak and made a beeline toward it and was saved. [...]
Metabolic Bone Disease In Reptiles
MBD is not actually a single disease entity, it is a collection of medical disorders affecting the integrity and function of bones. [...]
Dog Gets Stuck In Sulcata Tortoise Burrow
It took firefighters about four hours to safely remove the dog from the burrow. [...]
New Treefrog Species Discovered Near Brazil’s Abandoned Trans-Amazonian Highway
The jaguar snouted tree frog is so named because jaguars were also spotted in the area which the amphibian was discovered. [...]
Global Warming May Have Negative Effects On Bearded Dragon Intelligence
Bearded dragons that were incubated at cooler temperatures were quicker to open door to access food than those incubated at warmer temperatures.
Snake Hunter Teams Up With VolAero Drone Start Up To Hunt Pythons In Everglades
2016 Python Challenge Champion Bill Booth conducted successful trial run in locating pythons via a thermal imaging-equipped drone. [...]
Snake Wranglers In Thailand Get A Surprise After Capturing Reticulated Python
After, the snake was captured, it proceeded to regurgitate its meal, a very large monitor lizard. [...]
Researchers Find Peruvian Frog That Is Resistant To Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
Gastrotheca excubitor employs bacterial defenses to fight off Bd and the chytrid fungus. [...]
Are Gila Monsters And Chuckwallas Look-Alike Lizards?
Chuckwallas (Sauromalus ater) resemble Gila monsters (Heloderma suspectum) in appearance, although to what degree depends largely on your prior exposu [...]
Bearded Dragon Won’t Drink
Bearded dragons prefer to lick droplets off the walls of their enclosure rather than drink from a bowl. [...]
2017 Green Sea Turtle Nestings In Florida Break Record
Florida recorded 39,000 green sea turtle nests during the 2017 nesting season. [...]
Herp Queries: Use Good Judgment With Children And Reptiles
It’s necessary for kids to learn such things “gently” in order to dodge more serious ones that will surely come along later in life. [...]