Category: Frog & Amphibians Information & News

1 16 17 18430 / 430 POSTS
Two High Sierra Amphibians Proposed For Endangered Species Act Protections

Two High Sierra Amphibians Proposed For Endangered Species Act Protections

Animals have been decimated by livestock grazing, habitat destruction, invasive species, and disease. [...]
Tiger Salamander Crossing Tunnels In Northern California Are Working

Tiger Salamander Crossing Tunnels In Northern California Are Working

Tunnels constructed in 2011 help some 100 plus endangered Ambystoma californiense get to their breeding pond. [...]
Louisiana Proposes Endangered Status For Mississippi Gopher Frog

Louisiana Proposes Endangered Status For Mississippi Gopher Frog

Wildlife and Fisheries Commission also proposes permit system for taking or killing Eastern Diamondback rattler and two species of pine snake. [...]
Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs Breeding Again In California's San Gabriel Mountains

Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs Breeding Again In California's San Gabriel Mountains

U.S.G.S. biologists discover 19 new adult Rana muscosa frogs among 71 frogs and hundreds of tadpoles in a Mojave River pool of water. [...]
MSU Professor's Reptile Book Published 8 Years After His Death

MSU Professor's Reptile Book Published 8 Years After His Death

"The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michigan" published by Wayne State University Press. [...]
Texas Congressman Opposes Placing Four Salamanders On Endangered Species List

Texas Congressman Opposes Placing Four Salamanders On Endangered Species List

Fish and Wildlife Service says development could contribute to the demise of these species. [...]
Clemson University Students Share The Joy Of Herps With Girl Scouts

Clemson University Students Share The Joy Of Herps With Girl Scouts

Public outreach demonstration enables Girl Scouts to interact with Live animals and museum specimens. [...]
Long-Fingered Frog Rediscovered After Disappearing More Than 60 Years Ago

Long-Fingered Frog Rediscovered After Disappearing More Than 60 Years Ago

Herpetologists find a single Cardioglossa cyaneospila in Burundi rainforest. [...]
Frisco Mayor Vetoes Sharp Park Legislation

Frisco Mayor Vetoes Sharp Park Legislation

Park is home to golf course, California red-legged frog and San Francisco garter snake. [...]
Tortoise Faces Extinction

Tortoise Faces Extinction

The radiated tortoise (Geochelone radiata) could become extinct within the next 20 years. [...]
1 16 17 18430 / 430 POSTS