Category: Frog & Amphibians Information & News

Two High Sierra Amphibians Proposed For Endangered Species Act Protections
Animals have been decimated by livestock grazing, habitat destruction, invasive species, and disease. [...]

Mutant Rain Frog Found In Man’s Garden In Shunan, Japan
Hyla japonica, normally green in color is bright blue. [...]

New Species Of Skin Feeding Caecilian Discovered And Described
Amphibian looks like an earthworm and its young feeds on the mother's skin. [...]

Tiger Salamander Crossing Tunnels In Northern California Are Working
Tunnels constructed in 2011 help some 100 plus endangered Ambystoma californiense get to their breeding pond. [...]

Louisiana Proposes Endangered Status For Mississippi Gopher Frog
Wildlife and Fisheries Commission also proposes permit system for taking or killing Eastern Diamondback rattler and two species of pine snake. [...]

More Than 2300 Attend Reptile And Amphibian Appreciation Day At L.A.’s Natural History Museum
4th annual RAAD event showcased herpetology collections as well as reptile and amphibian organizations. [...]

Puerto Rico's Coquí Llanero Frog Listed As Endangered Species
The Puerto Rican lowland coquí is one of the smallest treefrogs in the world. [...]

Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs Breeding Again In California's San Gabriel Mountains
U.S.G.S. biologists discover 19 new adult Rana muscosa frogs among 71 frogs and hundreds of tadpoles in a Mojave River pool of water. [...]

MSU Professor's Reptile Book Published 8 Years After His Death
"The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michigan" published by Wayne State University Press. [...]

Scientists Try To Inoculate Sierra Yellow-Legged Frog Tadpoles Against Chytrid
J.liv bacteria may help to protect amphibians from chytrid. [...]

Texas Congressman Opposes Placing Four Salamanders On Endangered Species List
Fish and Wildlife Service says development could contribute to the demise of these species. [...]

Clemson University Students Share The Joy Of Herps With Girl Scouts
Public outreach demonstration enables Girl Scouts to interact with Live animals and museum specimens. [...]

Death Of Frogs From Chytrid Fungus Is The Same In The Wild As In The Lab
Blood drawn from mountain yellow-legged frogs confirms cause of death. [...]
USFWS Sued For Lack Of California Tiger Salamander Recovery Plan
Lack of plan further imperils Ambystoma californiense, conservation group says. [...]

Long-Fingered Frog Rediscovered After Disappearing More Than 60 Years Ago
Herpetologists find a single Cardioglossa cyaneospila in Burundi rainforest. [...]

U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service Holds Public Hearing On Mississippi Gopher Frog
The population or Rana sevosa is estimated at around 100 adult frogs. [...]

San Francisco Board Of Supervisors Vote To Transfer Sharp Park To Federal Government
Mayor Ed Lee opposes the transfer and may veto the legislation. [...]

Aussie Sunset Frogs Released From Perth Zoo In Hopes Of Establishing A Population Outside Their Range
Perth Zoo-raised and hatched frogs released onto private property. [...]

Frisco Mayor Vetoes Sharp Park Legislation
Park is home to golf course, California red-legged frog and San Francisco garter snake. [...]

Hellbender Salamander Exhibit Opens At Maryland Zoo
Exhibit features two of the rarest of salamanders [...]

OSU Study Shows Daphnia Magna Eats Chytrid Fungus That Is Killing Frogs Worldwide
The zooplankton eats the zoospore stage of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis [...]

Tortoise Faces Extinction
The radiated tortoise (Geochelone radiata) could become extinct within the next 20 years. [...]