Category: Frog & Amphibians Information & News

1 10 11 12 13 14 18 288 / 430 POSTS
Pumpkin Toadlets Have Lost Ability To Hear Own Mating Calls

Pumpkin Toadlets Have Lost Ability To Hear Own Mating Calls

The toadlets continue the call because other frogs can still see visual cues, such as movement of the throat, researchers say. [...]
New Disease A Threat To North American Frogs

New Disease A Threat To North American Frogs

Severe Perkinsea Infection (SPI), is caused by a single celled parasitic organism that kills tadpoles. [...]
Leopard Frog In Canada Gets Help As Calgary Zoo Starts Breeding Program

Leopard Frog In Canada Gets Help As Calgary Zoo Starts Breeding Program

The British Columbia northern leopard frog's populations have dwindled in the last 40 years. [...]
Endangered California Tiger Salamander Gets Tunnel Under Highway

Endangered California Tiger Salamander Gets Tunnel Under Highway

A new tunnel between Buellton and Lompoc, Calif. will enable the California tiger salamander to cross under a busy road rather than over it, thanks to [...]
Fungus That Rapidly Kills Salamanders Spreading Across Germany

Fungus That Rapidly Kills Salamanders Spreading Across Germany

Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans can kill salamanders in as little as four days. [...]
215 Endangered Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs, Reared From Tadpoles, Released Into The Wild

215 Endangered Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs, Reared From Tadpoles, Released Into The Wild

Some estimate that the population of the mountain yellow-legged frog has declined by 90 percent. [...]

New Salamander Species Discovered in Japan

The Mikawa Salamander is the 29th salamander species of the family Hynobiidae found in Japan. [...]

California Woman Finds Frog in Her Salad And Keeps it as a Pet

The woman was almost done with her salad when she saw the frog move on her plate. [...]

Researchers Discover South American Treefrog That Fluoresces in UVA Light

The South American polka dot tree frog turns from green, yellowish-red to blue and green when exposed to UV light. [...]
Frog That Disappeared in Area of Australia Rediscovered

Frog That Disappeared in Area of Australia Rediscovered

The green and golden bell frog has experienced declines in some of its range. [...]
New “Graceful” Treefrog Species Discovered in Australia

New “Graceful” Treefrog Species Discovered in Australia

An Australian scientist has discovered a new species of treefrog in the forests of Cape York in north Queensland. The frog, called the Cape York grace [...]
Rabbs' Fringe-limbed Treefrog Declared Extinct

Rabbs' Fringe-limbed Treefrog Declared Extinct

Toughie, collected during a chytrid pandemic in Panama, was more than 12 years old. [...]
Researchers Infect Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs With Chytrid Fungus In Order to Save Them

Researchers Infect Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs With Chytrid Fungus In Order to Save Them

The mountain yellow-legged frog has seen its population numbers crash due to the chytrid fungus. [...]
USFWS Sets Aside Land for Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog and Two Other Amphibians

USFWS Sets Aside Land for Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog and Two Other Amphibians

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has set aside nearly 2 million acres of land for the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog, the mountain yellow-legged f [...]
Toads Avoid The Toad Tunnel And Cross Road In Canada Instead

Toads Avoid The Toad Tunnel And Cross Road In Canada Instead

Western toads in Canada are crossing a road to get to the forest in which they live, avoiding the toad tunnel that was built for them. [...]
Red-eyed Treefrog Embryos Escape Predation While Still in the Egg

Red-eyed Treefrog Embryos Escape Predation While Still in the Egg

The red-eyed treefrog embryos can sense predators and escape from their eggsac. [...]
Researchers in India Discover 7th Mating Position for Frogs

Researchers in India Discover 7th Mating Position for Frogs

There is no physical contact during what researchers call the "dorsal straddle." [...]
Owner's Response To Govt. Request To Access Property To Count Yellow-Legged Frogs Is Priceless

Owner's Response To Govt. Request To Access Property To Count Yellow-Legged Frogs Is Priceless

A couple in Oregon received a formal request from the state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife last month for permission to survey the creek that [...]
New Pristimantis Frog Species Discovered in Peru

New Pristimantis Frog Species Discovered in Peru

A new frog species has been discovered near the border of Peru’s Manu National Park. [...]
1 10 11 12 13 14 18 288 / 430 POSTS