Author: Site Staff

Japanese Tree Frog Behavior Aids WiFi Research
Social interactions of Hyla japonica helps to shape artificial intelligence. [...]

Snake Feeding Chart
Bonus content from the August 2010 REPTILES magazine article "Win Over Reluctant Feeders." [...]

Constricting Snake Ban In West Fargo, ND Stands
Resident Robert Butts III request to exempt constricting snakes from exotic animal ban denied. [...]

Another Giant Turtle Fossil Discovered In Colombia
Distinctive shell shape believed to give survival benefits. [...]

Egg-Eating Snake Species Discovered In Cambodia
The Cambodian kukri (Oligodon kampucheaensis) snake has curved rear teeth to hold and help swallow eggs. [...]

Extinct St. Lucia Racer Snake Rediscovered on Caribbean Island
11 St. Lucia Racers were captured and tagged during a hunt for the endangered species. [...]

Tips For Creating Your Lost Reptile Flyer
How to create and distribute a "lost" flyer when your herp escapes. [...]

Endangered Species Act Protections Sought For 53 Reptile And Amphibian Species In 45 States
Petition is largest filed to save herps. [...]
Listen To John Clare Talk Tomato Frogs On The PetRadio Show
Clare will be on the Pet Radio Show hosted by Robert Hudson on August 4 from 10:30-11:00 a.m. PDT [...]

Treefrog Named After Prince Charles
Hyloscirtus princecharlesi is native to Ecuadorean rainforests. [...]

Videography Captures How Green Anole And Flat-tailed House Gecko Fall And Land Feet First
UC Berkeley researchers study how arboreal lizards right themselves as they fall. [...]

Ton Jones From Spike TV's Auction Hunters To Auction Items At International Herpetological Symposium
35th annual event will feature three days of presentations on herpetology. [...]

REPTILES Tat Attack! 2012 Tattoo Contest Winners!
Images from the REPTILES 2012 Tat Attack winners and a slideshow of the runners up. [...]

Biologist Scott Hardin Joins PIJAC Staff As Consultant
Hardin is former bureau chief of fisheries services for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. [...]

Road Development Can Have Adverse Effects On Amphibians
Spanish study looked at road development impacts on palmate newts and midwife toads. [...]

Aquatic Turtle Fossils In Sexual Embrace Discovered In Germany
47 million year old Allaeochelys crassesculpta apparently perished in the act of mating. [...]

African Spur-Thighed Tortoise Walks Away From Chicago Area Barbeque
44 year-old Geochelone [Centrochelys] Sulcata usually comes back but hasn't yet. [...]
2012 NRBE Daytona Auction Proceeds To Benefit USARK
Those interested can donate herp-related auction items for the August 18 auction. [...]

U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service Supports First Major Conservation Assessment Of Asian Snakes
IUCN adds 348 species of snakes to its Red List. [...]
Using A Cane Toad's Own Toxin To Control Its Populations
Scientists use toxin to lure cane toad tadpoles to surprising effect without harming other species. [...]
USARK Legal Action Against FWS Constrictor Rule
USARK goal is to raise $250,000 between now and the end of the year. [...]

Texas Congressman Opposes Placing Four Salamanders On Endangered Species List
Fish and Wildlife Service says development could contribute to the demise of these species. [...]

Phoenix Herpetological Society Adds Three Crocodilians To Collection, Including Albino American Alligator
Rare female albino American alligator, Morelet's crocodile and New Guinea crocodile come to Scottsdale. [...]