Ton Jones From Spike TV's Auction Hunters To Auction Items At International Herpetological Symposium

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Ton Jones From Spike TV's Auction Hunters To Auction Items At International Herpetological Symposium

35th annual event will feature three days of presentations on herpetology.

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The International Herpetological Symposium announced that Ton Jones from Spike TV's Auction Hunters will serve as auctioneer at the  35th Annual Meeting of the International Herpetological Symposium July 26-28, 2012 at the Ramada BWI Airport Hotel in Hanover, Maryland. The symposium will include three days of presentations and information sessions on herpetology, herpetoculture, and reptile veterinary medicine. The symposium will also include vendor tables that are open to the public as well as IHS registrants. Presiding over the 2012 event is Ken Foose, president of the International Herpetological Symposium.

From Ken Foose:

Dear Friends and Colleagues, I am so honored to preside over the International Herpetological Symposium in 2012. The historical significance of this meeting should be apparent to everyone! Thirty-five years ago, in July 1976, a handful of interested herpetologists, herpetoculturists, zoologists, zoo folks, and others attended the First Annual Symposium on Captive Propagation and Husbandry of Reptiles and Amphibians at Hood College in Fredrick, Maryland. The International Herpetological Symposium (IHS) evolved from this meeting. We are very excited to be back in Maryland for this momentous milestone!

The Purpose of the IHS is Twofold:

(1) to provide a yearly symposium for the dissemination of information and research pertaining to the natural history, conservation biology, captive management, and propagation of amphibians and reptiles, and

(2) the publication of such information. Unlike most herpetological societies or associations, IHS does not have a voting membership, but an Electoral Body. That body consists of the members of the Board of Directors, the Advisory Council, Publication Editors, and Chairs of various committees. These individuals are selected from all areas of herpetology and herpetoculture. Zoologists, herpetologists, and private herpetoculturists are all involved in planning and organizing the annual symposia.

The IHS meetings have evolved and a flow of excited attendees show up each year to learn more about their beloved reptiles and amphibians. We learn about new advances in their study and are given incredible information about their lives in nature and in captivity. Travelogues take us to far off places on herping adventures and we learn of the dangers facing our herps in nature. As never before, they are faced with pollution, collection for food and traditional medicine, habitat fragmentation, and an ever-increasing attack on their lives in nature. With knowledge gained through IHS lectures, we are better able to understand their needs and what we can do to help in their plight.

No matter what walk of life brings you to IHS, I hope you enjoy every talk and I thank all of the speakers, sponsors, and attendees for keeping this incredible tradition alive and strong!

Ken Foose, IHS President

To learn more much about the IHS and its history, go here.


Below is a tentative list of speakers at the symposium

Jim Murphy – Zoo History and Captive Management

 Dave Fogel – Captive Husbandry and Behavioral Observations in the Matamata (Chelus fimbriatus)

 Bill Lamar -TBA

 Tell Hicks – Reptiles and Amphibians of the Galapagos Islands

 Mindy Walker – Taxonomy of the Smooth Earth Snake: To Lump or Not to Lump?

 Derek Dunlop – "The Natural History and Captive Breeding of Australian Leaftail Geckos"

Jerrod Tynes – Hide Box Selection and Arboreal Behavior of the North American Rat Snake (Pantherophis)

 Tom Crutchfield – The San Salvador Rock Iguana [Cyclura r. rileyi] Consevation Center

 Fred Caporaso-The Pinzon Island Tortoise (Chelonoidis duncanensis) – From the Brink of Extinction to the Final Stage of a Restoration Miracle

 Bill Becker – Herping in the Phillipines

 Ken Foose – I.H.S. History or Hysterics?

 John Tashijan – Herp Quiz Slide Show?

 Russ Gurley -TBA

 'Emmanual Van heygen' – Banquet Speaker

 David Grow – Lost Friends and Still Undiscovered Philosophy

Marlowe Robertson – Captive Husbandry and Reproduction of the Giant Horned Lizard
 (Phrynosoma asio), at The Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens

E. Marie Rush,, BS, DVM, West Indies – Evaluation of data collected in the Grenadian Bank Tree Boa (Corallus grenadensis): a preliminary descriptive study

E. Marie Rush,, BS, DVM, West Indies – Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi) Repatriation in Southern Alabama and Preliminary Medical Considerations

Andrew Wyatt – The State of the Herp Nation

 John Tashijan – Vipers of a Small Planet

Jessica Nelson, Senior Herpetologist, National Aquarium – Management of the Dendrobatid collection at the National Aquarium using individual identification

Clyde Peeling – Keynote Speaker


Symposium Agenda

Wednesday – July 25, 2012.

8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Tour of the National Zoo Reptile Exhibit. The cost will be $35.00 per person and will include transportation.
7:00 P.M. IHS Registration Table opens in the IHS VIP Suite. Please check in to receive your registration and information packet. The registration table will also be open from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. on Thursday and Friday at lecture hall.
7:00 P.M. Casual Reception/Icebreaker begins in IHS VIP Suite at the hotel. Free refreshments, beer and lots of fun and casual conversation.

Thursday – July 26, 2012

8:30 A.M. Opening remarks and welcome.
8:45 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. Speaker Presentations

Friday – July 27, 2012

8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. Speaker Presentations
5:30 P.M. 10:00 P.M. Huge BBQ at the Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo. Transportation to and from Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo provided by IHS.

Saturday – July 28, 2012

8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. Speaker Presentations
4:30 P.M. Closing remarks and announcements.
6:30 P.M. until 12:00 P.M. IHS Banquet at the hotel. Banquet speaker presentation. Presentation of the Joseph Laszlo Memorial award. Herp Photo Contest winners announced. Annual IHS auction.


 Registration fee – $175, spouse $75. We accept VISA and MasterCard. CHECKS MUST BE IN USD FUNDS.

The prices above DO NOT INCLUDE the Saturday Banquet which is an additional charge of $40.00
which includes beer and wine.

Daily Pricing Also Available
Thurs. 7/26/12 $40 on or before July 1, 2012; $55 after July 1, 2012 — Lectures Only
Friday 7/27/12 $55 on or before July 1, 2012; $65 after July 1, 2012 — Lectures, Evening Zoo Trip and Picnic
Sat. 7/28/12 $40 on or before July 1, 2012; $55 after July 1, 2012 — Lectures and Auction
Sat. 7/38/12 $80 on or before July 1, 2012; $95 after July 1, 2012 —Lectures, banquet and Auction.

Click here for a Printable Registration Form or contact the IHS Secretary, Treasurer, or President at the addresses below to receive a registration form by mail. Attendees of the 33rd and 34th IHS are on our mailing list and will receive a registration form by mail.

IHS Hotel room rates if booked by June 30, 2012: $89/day Single/Double. Hotel Reservations must be made directly with the Ramada BWI Airport Hotel, 7253 Parkway Drive, Hanover, MD 21076. Call the hotel at: (410) 712-4300 or Fax: (410) 712-0921 or Reservations: 1-888-288-4982 US Toll Free Reservations.

When making your hotel reservations mention the International Herpetological Symposium to secure special group rate.

Interested in submitting a paper for presentation at the 35th Annual Symposium?
E-mail your abstract to the 2012 Program Coordinator:

Randal Berry
Little Rock Zoo
1 Zoo Drive
Little Rock, AR 72205-5401
(501) 454-9257

Send registration fee to:
Giovanni Fagioli
IHS Treasurer
32514 NE 77th St.
Carnation, WA 98014
(425) 861-7964

General Information:
Bob Ashley
P.O. Box 376
Rodeo, NM 88056
(575) 575-5757

IHS Vendor Coordinator:
Giovanni Fagioli
32514 NE 77th St.
Carnation, WA 98014
(425) 861-7964