Category: Turtle & Tortoise Breeding

Thousands of Yellow-Spotted Amazon River Turtles Released
The incubation period of these turtles was apparently cut to 45 days due to the extreme heat. [...]
Spider Tortoise Care And Breeding
Spider tortoises are not a species for beginners. They require a brumation that is an important part of their biology, for specimens of all ages and i [...]

Two Arakan Forest Turtles Hatched At Tennessee Aquarium
The Arakan forest turtle is a terrestrial species that is currently only known to exist in the bamboo and old growth forests of the Arakan Mountains. [...]

90-Year-Old Radiated Tortoise At Houston Zoo Becomes First Time Father Of Three
The new hatchlings came as a surprise when a herpetology keeper happened upon Mrs. Pickles as she was laying her eggs at closing time. [...]

Two Critically Endangered Bog Turtles Hatch at Zoo Atlanta
Zoo Atlanta announced March 9 that a pair of bog turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) have hatched at the zoo’s breeding facility in Atlanta. The turtles, [...]
Keeping And Breeding The African Dwarf Mud Turtle
The African dwarf mud turtle, Pelusios nanus, has been sporadically imported into the United States for the past eight years, making it one of the new [...]
Indian Narrow-Headed Softshell Turtles Hatch At San Diego Zoo
The zoo has had three turtles in their care for 20 years and this past summer, 41 turtles hatched at the facility. [...]
USARK Florida Proposes Captive Breeding of Diamondback Terrapins
USARK FL has sent its proposal to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, which may rule on the proposal. [...]

Burmese Star Tortoise Population In Yangon Up By 2,072
Thanks to captive breeding, the population of the critically endangered species in the country’s Shwesettaw Wildlife Sanctuary has increased to 2,072 [...]
Chinese Box Turtle Care And Breeding
Cuora flavomarginata is also known as the snake-eating turtle. [...]
Zoo Atlanta Hatches Critically Endangered Bog Turtle
The bog turtle is listed as a critically endangered species by the IUCN. [...]
Striped Mud Turtle Care And Breeding
The striped mud turtle is a small aquatic turtle that generally does not reach more than four inches (10cm) in straight carapace length (SCL). [...]
Two Galapagos Tortoises Hatch At The UK’s Crocodiles Of The World
Galapagos tortoises are the largest tortoise species in the world and can live more than 120 years. [...]
Red-Footed Tortoise Care And Breeding Information
Keeping red-footed tortoises is a privilege and an enjoyable experience for keepers who are prepared for their requirements. [...]
27 Captive Bred Aldabra Tortoises Released On Seychelles’ Desroches Island
The Island Conservation Society on the Seychelles Islands announced it has released 27 Aldabra giant tortoises (Geochelone gigantea) on the wild side [...]

Houston Zoo Hatches Four Painted Terrapins
The Houston Zoo announced last week that it has successfully hatched four painted terrapin turtles (Batagur borneoensis), the first time the zoo has h [...]
Female Yangtze Giant Soft-Shell Turtle Discovered In Vietnamese Lake
Sixteen months after the last known female Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei) died at the Suzhou Zoo in China, a female of this critic [...]

4 Four-Eyed Turtles Hatched At Tennessee Aquarium
The captive breeding program produced a pair of four-eyed turtles and two Beal's four-eyed turtles. [...]

Galapagos Tortoise Conservation: Three Jays Tortoise Sanctuary
Tortoises at Three Jays Tortoise Sanctuary include both hybridized and pure sub species of the Galapagos tortoise, including G.e. guntheri and C. Port [...]

U.S. Forest Service And Turtles For Tomorrow Help Make Gravel Pits Wood Turtle Safe
Wood turtles are listed as endangered by the IUCN. [...]

Scientists Use Drones To Count Olive Ridley Sea Turtles At Costa Rica’s Ostional National Wildlife Refuge
Drone footage revealed that sea turtle density during peak nesting season was about 2,086 reptiles per square kilometer. [...]

Galápagos Tortoise Breeds In The Wild For First Time In More Than 100 Years
The Duncan Island giant tortoise is one of the smallest of the Galápagos tortoises. [...]

Captive Breeding Brings The Burmese Star Tortoise Back From The Brink Of Extinction
The Burmese star tortoise is a critically endangered tortoise that saw its numbers dwindle to just a few hundred individuals in the 1990s. [...]

30 Western Swamp Tortoises, Australia’s Most Critically Endangered Reptile, Released Into Wild
More than 1,040 western swamp tortoises have been successfully bred as part of Western Shield, a breeding program to bolster the wild populations of t [...]