Tag: snake
New Snake Species Discovered In Saudi Arabia
The small snake is found in sandy and stony soils with some vegetation as well as areas disturbed and inhabited by humans. [...]

New Green Anaconda Species Discovered
Based on genetic data from four recognized anaconda species, the Northern green anaconda is a separate species from the Southern green anaconda. [...]
Gans’ Egg-Eating Snake Can Eat Prey Twice That Of Burmese Python Relative To Size And Mass
Of the 13 snake species with known gape, the Gans' egg-eating snake had the greatest gape. The Burmese python and the western diamondback rattlesnake [...]
Paikwaophis kruki, A New Snake Species From Guyana Described
The researchers say the snake lives in a fairly dense forest environment with small to medium trees and occasional large trees. [...]
Twitter Video Shows Deer Eating Snake
In 2021, researchers captured video of a Seychelles giant tortoise pursuing and eating a tern chick in the Seychelles. [...]
Leonardo DiCaprio Names New Snake Species After His Mother
Researchers have discovered five arboreal snake species in the jungles of South America and Leonardo DiCaprio and Brian Sheth of Nature and Culture In [...]

Ball Python Care Sheet
Care sheet for the ball python (Python regius). [...]

Two-Headed Snake Born In Australia Euthanized
A two-headed carpet python (Morelia sp) that hatched this week in Australia has been euthanized after an examination by a veterinarian at the The Unus [...]
Ball Python Surrendered To Honolulu Zoo
A ball python (Python regius) was surrendered to the Honolulu Zoo January 11 by a person who says it was found in Kahalu’u, which is on the North Shor [...]

231 Burmese Pythons Removed From Florida Everglades During 2022 Python Challenge
Past winner Dustin Crum, won $1,500 for capturing the longest snake, which measured 11 feet 0.24 inches. [...]
Man Tries To Kiss Cobra, Gets Kissed Back
The video shows the man kissing the snake on its hood, when the snake decided to turn around and bite the man. [...]
Narrow-Headed Garter Snake Gets 447 miles of Protected Stream Habitat
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced the protection of 447 miles of streams in Arizona and New Mexico for the narrow-headed garter snake ( [...]
Drink A Beer And Save A Pine Snake
If you are of legal drinking age and live in the Memphis, TN area, head on over to the Memphis Zoo and drink a beer to help the zoo’s conservation eff [...]
Aussie Trucker Pulls Over To Move Python Off The Road
The black-headed python grows to between five and 10 feet in length and can live 20 to 30 years. They are also widely captive bred. [...]
Rare Striped Copperhead Photographed In Mississippi And Image Goes Viral
Ben Davis sees a lot of snakes when he is out driving the roads of Mississippi, but a few months ago while behind the wheel, one snake crossing the ro [...]

185-Year-Old Painting Helps ID New Indian Snake Species
An Indian snake that was first collected in the mid-19th Century and described first via snake skins in 1796, and named the banded racer (Argyrogena f [...]
Do You Want To Build A Snow Snake? These Coloradans Already Did
When it snows what do you do? Build a snowman? For a family in Denver, CO, a snowman was too quaint, so they set out and built a snow snake. That's r [...]

Burmese Python Stolen From Arizona Reptile Shop Returned 8 Months Later
A granite Burmese python (Python bivittatus) stolen last June from an Arizona reptile shop has been returned to the shop, thanks to some tireless dete [...]

Dragon Snake Care And Information
Xenodermus javanicus, or the dragon snake, is a small and unique species of Colubrid snake renowned for its unusual but fascinating appearance. Also k [...]

Police In Peabody, MA Seek Ball Python Thieves
Two thieves entered a Peabody, MA Petco and ran off with an albino cinnamon ball python (Python regius) that they falsely told the sales clerk that th [...]

Florida FWC’s Python Dogs Bag First Invasive Burmese Python
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission announced that its latest efforts to “sniff” out Burmese pythons on public lands in south Florid [...]
Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Save Eggs From Road-Killed Carpet Python
A carpet python (Morelia spilotes) that got hit by a car and died in Australia was gravid with 12 eggs, and Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors were able [...]

Two-headed Southern Black Racer Found In Florida
A two-headed southern black racer (Coluber constrictor priapus) was found by a Palm Harbor family in good health. The snake is currently at the FWC Fi [...]

ESA Protections Sought For Tucson Shovel-nosed Snake
The Tucson shovel-nosed snake (Chionactis occipitalis klauberi) a beautiful snake native to Arizona that is noted for its black and red stripes should [...]