Tag: critically endangered
Two Guatemalan Beaded Lizards Born At Oklahoma City Zoo
The zoo is now home to 8 Guatemalan beaded lizards. [...]
122 Captive-Bred Royal Turtles Hatched In Cambodia
The species, also known as the royal turtle in Cambodia, has successfully laid eggs in captivity at the center for three years. [...]
Dominic, Akron Zoo’s Mountain Chicken Frog Dies at 18 Years 10 Months
It s estimated that there are less than 50 mountain chicken frogs left in the wild. [...]
Newquay Zoo Announces Addition of Critically Endangered Big-Headed Turtle
The Newquay Zoo in Newquay, Cornwall, England announced it has added a critically endangered big-headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) to its coll [...]

90-Year-Old Radiated Tortoise At Houston Zoo Becomes First Time Father Of Three
The new hatchlings came as a surprise when a herpetology keeper happened upon Mrs. Pickles as she was laying her eggs at closing time. [...]

Two Critically Endangered Bog Turtles Hatch at Zoo Atlanta
Zoo Atlanta announced March 9 that a pair of bog turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) have hatched at the zoo’s breeding facility in Atlanta. The turtles, [...]
Critically Endangered Gigantes Limestone Frog Successfully Bred For First Time In Captivity
Project Palaka announced the frogs began hatching October 17. Currently there are 21 neonates and all are voracious eaters. Photo by Project Palaka [...]

Burmese Star Tortoise Population In Yangon Up By 2,072
Thanks to captive breeding, the population of the critically endangered species in the country’s Shwesettaw Wildlife Sanctuary has increased to 2,072 [...]

3-Legged Ploughshare Tortoise Rescued From Smugglers Makes Home At UK’s Chester Zoo
Hope was discovered in a suitcase in Hong Kong with 56 other endangered tortoises in 2019. [...]
Zoo Atlanta Hatches Critically Endangered Bog Turtle
The bog turtle is listed as a critically endangered species by the IUCN. [...]
Giant Malaysian Turtle Surrendered To Wisconsin Animal Rescue
“Our ultimate goal is to get him placed in a breeding program with an accredited facility so we can keep his species from going extinct." [...]
National Geographic Society Awards Grant To Conserve Gigantes Island Frog
It will help with monitoring wild populations of the frog as well as establish a captive breeding program at the University of the Philippines. [...]
10 Captive-Bred Asian Giant Tortoises Released Into The Wild
Manouria emys phayrei is the largest tortoise in Asia. [...]

15 Galapagos Tortoises Slaughtered On Isabela Island
The Galapagos Conservancy has reported that 15 giant Galapagos tortoises were slaughtered in the wild on Isabela Island earlier this month. According [...]
13 Critically Endangered Roti Island Snake-necked Turtles Returned To Indonesia
Thirteen Roti Island snake-necked turtles (Chelodina mccordi) that were being cared for by Wildlife Reserves Singapore have been returned to Indonesia [...]

Australia’s White-bellied Frog At Greatest Risk Of Extinction
The white-bellied frog (Geocrinia alba) has joined 25 other frog species in Australia on that country’s list of species at greatest risk of extinction [...]

An Inside Look at the Program Protecting the Critically Endangered Anegada Iguanas
About 80 miles northeast of Puerto Rico lies a small island lined with white sandy beaches and surrounded by stunning coral reefs. The island, Anegada [...]

10 Southern River Terrapins Released Back Into The Wilds Of Cambodia
The Wildlife Conservation Society in coordination with Cambodia's Department of Fisheries Conservation of the Fisheries Administration of the Ministry [...]
Female Yangtze Giant Soft-Shell Turtle Discovered In Vietnamese Lake
Sixteen months after the last known female Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei) died at the Suzhou Zoo in China, a female of this critic [...]
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