Category: Snake Information & News

Female Snakes Possess Two Clitorises, Study Finds
The researchers discovered that the female snakes possessed two hemiclitores, both which are separate and non-eversible structures in the tails. [...]
Georgia Biologist Records Banded Water Snake Swallowing American Eel
The snake and eel were splashing in the water at first and then the snake was able to get the eel onto land, where it began to eat it. [...]
Venomous Eastern Brown Snake Crawls Toward Snake Catcher In Defensive Display
The snake, once released from the confines of the snake bag, crawls toward Jake Stinson of Jake's Reptile Relocations with its head and part of its bo [...]
Red-Bellied Black Snake Gets Head Stuck In Beer Can, Saved By Aussie Snake Handler
Using a pair of snips with one hand and holding the head of the venomous snake with the other, the snake catcher was able to safely remove the can fro [...]
California Kingsnake Care Tips
The California kingsnake is one of the best choices among any level of reptile keeper. They are widely available, and for those looking for something [...]
Amelanistic Rattlesnake Found By Hikers In Florida
The venomous snake is just a baby, which is when amelanistic and leucistic reptiles are most often seen in the wild. [...]
Woman Reunited With Her Boa Constrictor After Three Year Ordeal
Brooklyn Beck has pleaded guilty to animal cruelty while her fiancé faces 94 counts of animal cruelty. [...]
Two Species Of Venomous Pit Viper Snake Discovered In South America
The venomous snakes reside in areas of the Andes that are difficult to reach, including the Choco Rainforest in Ecuador, the western lowland Amazon ra [...]

King Cobra Who Escaped Enclosure Finds His Way Back Inside
Houdini spent about 10 days hiding out in between the enclosure walls. [...]

Florida Herper Posts Photos To Facebook Of Eastern Coral Snake Without Red Bands
The snake is bright yellow in coloration with black bands, a black nose and yellow head. The red that normally appears next to the yellow bands of thi [...]

22-foot Reticulated Python Eats Woman In Indonesia
In 2017, a 25-year-old man was swallowed by a reticulated python in the Southeast Asian nation. In 2018, a 54-year old woman who was checking her vege [...]

King Cobra Escapes From Swedish Zoo
The snake, initially named Sir Vas (Sir Hiss) and renamed Houdini after he escaped, apparently got out of the enclosure via an opening in a lamp fixtu [...]

231 Burmese Pythons Removed From Florida Everglades During 2022 Python Challenge
Past winner Dustin Crum, won $1,500 for capturing the longest snake, which measured 11 feet 0.24 inches. [...]
USFWS Proposes Listing Rim Rock Crowned Snake, Key Ringneck Snake As Endangered
There will be no habitat left for both snake species by 2080 in the lower Florida Keys and they will potentially perish without action. [...]
Top 10 Venomous Snakes Of Australia
If you’re visiting Australia, be careful of cattle, horses, crocodiles, and kangaroos—they, like most everything in the Land Down Under can kill you! [...]
De Vis’ Banded Snake Seen In South Australia For First Time
The genus Denisonia is currently comprised of two species. Both are nocturnal with large eyes and vertically elliptical pupils. [...]
Milksnake Breeder Hatches Out Two-Headed Albino Honduran Milksnake
Two-headed snakes are said to live a shortened life in the wild due to the fact that they have two heads, which may inhibit their defenses when faced [...]
Kingsnake Climbs Wall Like a Boss
Kingsnakes are some of the most popular snakes to see out in the wild while herping, and one of the most popular captive bred colubrids in the reptile [...]
Batesian Mimicry and the Evolution of Snakes
The mimic imitates the more dangerous species to deter predators. [...]
Man Tries To Kiss Cobra, Gets Kissed Back
The video shows the man kissing the snake on its hood, when the snake decided to turn around and bite the man. [...]
Three New Snakes of The Genus Atractus Discovered in Ecuador
The new snakes, Atractus discovery, A. zgap, A. michaelsabini sp. nov. are native to Ecuador and Colombia. [...]
Alabama Police Remove Snake From Toilet
The comments are hilarious. "Wish I could get my toilet that clean." "That toilet is freaking spotless!" said another commenter. [...]
Two-headed Garter Snake Found In Nebraska
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s herpetology lab has received a two-headed plains garter snake (Thamnophis radix) that was found near the universi [...]

Rim Rock Crowned Snake Dies Trying To Eat Giant Centipede
The rim rocked crowned snake was once found throughout Central Florida south to the Keys in pine rocklands. [...]