Category: Lizard Information & News

1 15 16 17 18 19 23 408 / 541 POSTS
Check Out These Super Cute Beaded Lizards That Hatched at the Columbus Zoo

Check Out These Super Cute Beaded Lizards That Hatched at the Columbus Zoo

The Columbus Zoo is celebrating the successful hatching of beaded lizards. Hatched out at the end of last month, this marks only the second time that [...]
Black and White Tegus Can Warm Their Bodies During Mating Season

Black and White Tegus Can Warm Their Bodies During Mating Season

Tegus can maintain their internal body temperatures from 4 to 10°C higher than their burrows [...]
As Far As Speed Goes, Smaller Chameleons Have Faster And More Powerful Tongues

As Far As Speed Goes, Smaller Chameleons Have Faster And More Powerful Tongues

A small chameleon species has a tongue that can go from 0 to 60 mph in a hundredth of a second. [...]
Boy Breaks Into New York Home and Shoots Bearded Dragon with BB Gun

Boy Breaks Into New York Home and Shoots Bearded Dragon with BB Gun

The boy has been charged with burglary and criminal mischief and possibly animal cruelty. [...]

UK Rubbish Collector Finds Bearded Dragon In Recycling Box

Iggy pop is being cared for until a suitable home is found for him. [...]
First Person: The Grady Bunch

First Person: The Grady Bunch

A woman has cared for more than 100 reptiles over the years. [...]
A Year Later, English Boy Enjoys His Mediterranean House Gecko Stowaway

A Year Later, English Boy Enjoys His Mediterranean House Gecko Stowaway

A Mediterranean house gecko stowaway made a boy's dream come true last Christmas. [...]
Owner Of Two Chameleons Seized By Calgary Humane Society Wants Them Back

Owner Of Two Chameleons Seized By Calgary Humane Society Wants Them Back

Two veiled chameleons seized were the property of a paying customer and she wants them back. [...]

Man Photographs Lace Monitor Up The Wall Of His House

This lace goanna just wanted to get a bit higher up the wall of this house in Albury, New South Wales. [...]
Is Australia’s Striped Legless Lizard Under Threat Of Extinction?

Is Australia’s Striped Legless Lizard Under Threat Of Extinction?

The striped legless lizard is under assault from urban development, clearing of grasslands and a host of other factors. [...]
Vandals Kill Lizards And Turtle At Australian Wildlife Park

Vandals Kill Lizards And Turtle At Australian Wildlife Park

Two Australian water dragons and a freshwater turtle were killed by vandals. [...]
Exotic Pet Lizard Types

Exotic Pet Lizard Types

Here is just a sampling of the exotic lizards in the hobby. [...]

Black And White Tegu With Six Tails Found By Environmental Police In Argentina

Researchers with the Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal and Centro de Zoología Aplicada studied the reptile's tail [...]
Brown Anole Named Flo-Rida Hops On A Plane To Scotland

Brown Anole Named Flo-Rida Hops On A Plane To Scotland

The stowaway was found in the luggage of a woman who took a trip to Florida. [...]

Rock Dwelling Gecko Species Discovered In India

A new gecko species has been discovered in India at the Navegaon Bandh National Park by Parag Dandge, an officer with India’s Law enforcement and Trad [...]
Mealworms Can Eat Styrofoam With No Apparent Ill Effects

Mealworms Can Eat Styrofoam With No Apparent Ill Effects

The researchers fed a strict diet of styrofoam to mealworms from birth to adulthood. [...]

50,000-Year-Old Lizard Bone Dates Humans Living In Australia With Giant Lizards

Imagine having to deal with a fast monitor lizard that grew to six meters in length and weighed 500 kg. [...]
The Creatives Who Cut The Lincoln MKX Commercial Must Love Beardies

The Creatives Who Cut The Lincoln MKX Commercial Must Love Beardies

A bearded dragon makes cameo in Matthew McConaughey's Lincoln poker run. [...]
Most Endangered Reptiles

Most Endangered Reptiles

Here is a list of some of the most endangered reptiles in the world. [...]
1 15 16 17 18 19 23 408 / 541 POSTS