Category: Information & News
Snake Stolen From Oregon Pet Store
A to Z Pets in Portland, Oregon recently suffered a loss when a man stole one of owner Christin Bjugan’s rarest reptiles. The man is seen on sur [...]

Petco To Hold Nationwide Reptile Rally July 19
Event will enable customers to learn about keeping reptiles s pets. [...]

USARK Update: June 6, 2014
Update on reptile legislation throughout the United States. [...]

Salmonella Outbreak Traced To Feeder Mice
Always wash your hands after handling your reptiles and their food. [...]

Monkey Brains Hardwired To Fear Snakes
Macaque monkeys have evolved to detect the threat of snakes. [...]

How Do Frogs Fall? DePauw University Research Highlights How Frogs Fall Safely
Study uses arboreal frogs and terrestrial frogs to determine what frog parachutes more efficiently. [...]
Virginia Aquarium False Gharial Dies
Grover, a 28-year-old 13-foot false gharial (also known as a gavial) had been living at the aquarium for the last four years [...]

Coral Snake Antivenin In Short Supply
Coral snakes can be found from central North Carolina to eastern Louisiana, mainland Florida and the Upper Florida Keys. [...]
Florida Surfer Rescues Sea Turtle From Fishing Line
A surfer in Cocoa Beach, Fla. saved a young loggerhead sea turtle entangled in fishing line. [...]

NARBC Making Record Strides For Industry Support
NARBC raises a lot of money for PIJAC/USARK [...]

PIJAC Sets Feeder Rodent Standards
The first nationwide set of standards governing rats and mice raised as food for reptiles and birds of prey. [...]

Italian Wall Lizards Focus Of 10th Grader In Los Angeles
The Italian wall lizard (Podarcis sicula) has found a suitable home in a Los Angeles area suburb [...]

Two Frog Species Discovered In Venezuela
The frogs are of the genus Pristimantis [...]

Natural History Museum Los Angeles Raad Day
5th annual Reptile and Amphibian Appreciation Day (RAAD) [...]
Chytrid Fungus Releases Toxic Fungal Factor In Frogs
Macrophage and neutrophil cells are not impaired and can fight off the fungus [...]

New Species Of Rough Scaled Seasnake Confirmed
This venomous sea snake has been given the scientific name of Hydrophis donaldi [...]
Petland Store In Florida Victim Of Snake Thieves
Snake thieves stole boas and ball pythons from Petland store in Bradenton, Fla. [...]

Reward Offered For Info Leading To Killers Of Costa Rican Sea Turtle Activist
Jairo Mora Sandoval, who worked to protect the leatherback sea turtle was murdered last week in Costa Rica. [...]
Turtles Losing Habitats To Climate Change
Warming climate has adverse effect on native American turtles. [...]
Los Angeles Zoo Uses Bird Test To Sex Komodo Dragon Embryos
DNA test to determine gender of bird embryos works on Komodo dragons. [...]
Amphibians Assist Horses To Run Better
Illegal drug traced back to South American frog. [...]
Chytrid Fungus Does Not Do Well In Salty Bodies Of Water
Higher salt content bodies of water doesn't bodfe well for the chytrid fungus. [...]

Injured Amphibian And Mammal-like Reptile Entombed Together More Than 250 Million Years Ago
Synchrotron imaging showed the amphibian Broomistega co-habitating with the mammal forerunner Thrinaxodon [...]

Green Anole Population Established In Los Angeles Hancock Park
Anolis carolinensis are now established in Hancock Park, California [...]