Category: Frog & Amphibian Care

Natural History And Captive Care Of The Colorado River Toad
Ranging from extreme southeast California to extreme southwest New Mexico and south into Mexico (Behler and King 1979) and at a staggering 3 - 7 [...]

The Fire-Bellied Toad
Some hobbyists have a tendency to look down upon fire-bellied toads. They’re for beginners, they say, a cheap alternative to more exotic species [...]

White's Treefrog Enclosure Information and Care
When most hobbyists decide to get a pet treefrog, there are two species that top the most-wanted list: the stunning but delicate red-eyed treefrog (Ag [...]

White’s Treefrog Care Sheet
White's treefrog is also known as the dumpy frog and Australian green tree frog (Litoria caerulea). [...]

Northern Leopard Frog Care Sheet
Northern leopard frog (Rana/Lithobates pipiens)
The Northern leopard frog (Rana/Lithobates pipiens) is a very colorful frog, and is surprisingly ea [...]

Green Treefrog Care Sheet
Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea)
The green treefrog is common throughout the southeast United States, and their presence is best known by their ca [...]

How To Recognize And Prevent Medical Ailments In Amphibians
There are more than 7,000 species of amphibians, with the actual numbers changing daily (see for the most recent data). This group of [...]

Expert Newt Care Tips
Almost everyone who sees them agrees that newts are, in general, endearing little creatures. However, the fact that most are seen in tropical-fish sto [...]

What Foods To Feed Your Reptiles
There are a variety of food items for your herps ranging from crickets to mice to bananas. [...]
Poison Frogs Of The Genus Mantella
How to identify and care for mantella frogs. [...]

Strawberry Poison Frog Care Tips
The strawberry poison frog (Oophaga [Dendrobates] pumilio) is a member of the family Dendrobatidae. They are variable in color and pattern, and many m [...]

Eastern Newt Information And Care
The eastern newt can live 12 to 15 years. [...]

African Clawed Frog Husbandry
Clawed frogs in the Silurana genus are smaller alternatives to the much larger African clawed frog. [...]

Caring For The Surinam Underwater Toad
Pipa pipa is one of the strangest looking amphibians. [...]

Amazon Milk Frog Housing And Care
If you are searching for a new amphibian pet or project, take some time to consider milk frogs [...]

The European Green Toad
European Green Toad Tadpole and Toadlet Care
Dark gray and round, tadpoles of the European green toad (Bufo viridis) reach a pretty large size at t [...]

Keeping Alpine Newts
Colorful and elegant, the alpine newt (Ichthyosaura [Mesotriton] alpestris) is one of the most fascinating species among European newts. [...]

The Tiger Salamander
Expert tiger salamander care and information. [...]

How To Build A Poison Frog Terrarium
Create a beautiful poison frog habitat in these 10 easy steps. [...]

Blessed Dart Frog Care Tips
Expert care tips for the blessed dart frog [...]

Asian Painted Bullfrog Care
Expert care tips for Kaloula pulchra aka the chubby frog [...]

Glass Frog Care And Information
Everything you want to know about the glass frog. [...]

Tiger Salamander Care Sheet
Tips on caring for and keeping the tiger salamander [...]

Amphibian Diseases: Fungal Infections
If your amphibian has white, fuzzy patches on its skin, it probably has a fungal infection. [...]