Category: Beginner Questions
Iguanas From Fiji Came From North America 34 Million Years Ago, Study Says
"We found that the Fiji iguanas are most closely related to the North American desert iguanas, something that hadn't been figured out before, and that [...]

Scared Of Snakes? There Is No Need To Be
Fear is a powerful emotion. It stops people in their tracks, but it also moves other people to needlessly kill snakes. [...]
Georgia Woman Scammed Trying To Buy Russian Tortoise Via Facebook
Chances are very high that those "reptile for adoption" or "bearded dragon for adoption" Facebook pages that you see spammed on the REPTILES Facebook [...]
Cold Blooded Critters 4-H Herpetology Youth Club Nevada Offers 2024 Calendars
The club is operated by volunteers who love reptiles and amphibians and working with children to support herpetology education. [...]

Proper Hygiene Habits for Bearded Dragon Owners
Bearded dragons are reptiles and they are terrestrial so they can't fly, but they are fast and they can climb a tree easily. They live in coastal dune [...]

Creating the Perfect Habitat for Your Pet Chameleon
Having a pet chameleon can be a truly rewarding experience. But in order to ensure that your pet is living in the most comfortable and healthy environ [...]

Zen Habitats 4’x 2’x 2’ Wood Panel Reptile Enclosure Review
I have been keeping herps since I was 10 years old. I explored the canals near my childhood home for introduced African clawed frogs and American bull [...]

Bearded Dragon Not Eating
Why would our beardies suddenly stop eating? [...]

Hognose Snake Doesn't Play Dead Anymore
North American hognose snakes go all out to sell their death act by opening their mouths and rolling their tongues in the dirt. [...]

Special Events For Young Herpers
What events can young herpers attend to get information that they understand? [...]

What Is The Rarest Color In Reptiles?
Blue is not a pigment in herps. [...]

The Biggest Success In Herpetology
Hobbyists have embraced sulcata tortoises and made their
reproduction the biggest herpetocultural success story of recent times. [...]

Educational Lectures At Reptile Shows
The herp industry wants its constituents to be successful raising and breeding the animals they acquire in order to grow the hobby. [...]

Reptile Tracks: Can You Tell What Species Made Them?
Generalizations could be made based on the width of crawl tracks and the undulation pattern [...]

Sand Boa Substrate: Soil Or Sand?
Sand boas are most comfortable on a loamy, slightly moist soil mixture. [...]

Road Cruising For Herps And Impact Of Weather
Road herping is a favorite way for many to see a lot of reptiles. [...]

The International Herpetological Symposium: Ideal For Teens
The presentations at IHS range from those meant for amateur herpers to pros, and you can learn about many topics, from herpetoculture to pure science [...]

Are Snakes Venomous Or Poisonous?
Venomous reptiles inject or chew to deliver venom, while poisonous frogs have to be touched or eaten to deliver their toxins. [...]

Painted Turtle And Common Snapping Turtle In Same Enclosure?
It’s not advisable to keep these two turtle species together. [...]

Poison Frogs: How Dangerous?
Wild poison frogs are poisonous due to the insects they eat. [...]

Can A Retic With Inclusion Body Disease Still Strike?
Inclusion body disease is known to strike pythons and boas. [...]

Bad Idea: Putting A Horned Lizard In Same Enclosure As Bearded Dragon
Bearded dragons will eat a variety of things, including other lizards. [...]

What Tortoise Can I Keep Indoors?
The Russian tortoise can be kept indoors. [...]

Herp Queries: Red Touch Yellow, Kill A Fellow Doesn’t Always Work
The saying is not always accurate. [...]