Author: Site Staff

Australian Python Eats Wallaby At Dinner Party
Dinner guests said the snake finished eating the wallaby in less than four hours. [...]

NBA Player Scared By Snake In Texas Locker Room Before Western Conference Semifinal Game
News reports say the snake was a rattlesnake though San Antonio arena official says the snake was non-venomous. [...]
14 New Frog Species Discovered In India’s Western Ghats Mountain Range
They are named dancing frogs due to the male's leg kicking during breeding season. [...]
Australian Voice Contestant Gets Pet Corn Snake Confiscated
Anja Nissen was 12 years old when she received a pet corn snake. It is illegal to keep in Australia. [...]

Treefrog In Fish's Mouth Photo Generates 5 Million Views On REPTILES Facebook Page
Australian angler Angus James was about to release the jungle perch when he noticed a live green treefrog in its mouth. [...]

Mountain And Sierra Yellow-Legged Frogs Added To Endangered Species List
The amphibians have been devastated by pollution, pesticides and the chytrid fungus. [...]
Noted Indian Herpetologist Bhupathy Subramaniam Dies During Expedition
Subramaniam was well known for his work on python ecology in India. [...]
Coin Count Reptile Contests
*This contest is now closed*
Congratulations to the following reptile lovers for correctly guessing the amount of coins in the stack ($8.63)

Monkey Brains Hardwired To Fear Snakes
Macaque monkeys have evolved to detect the threat of snakes. [...]

How Do Frogs Fall? DePauw University Research Highlights How Frogs Fall Safely
Study uses arboreal frogs and terrestrial frogs to determine what frog parachutes more efficiently. [...]
Virginia Aquarium False Gharial Dies
Grover, a 28-year-old 13-foot false gharial (also known as a gavial) had been living at the aquarium for the last four years [...]

Coral Snake Antivenin In Short Supply
Coral snakes can be found from central North Carolina to eastern Louisiana, mainland Florida and the Upper Florida Keys. [...]

NARBC Making Record Strides For Industry Support
NARBC raises a lot of money for PIJAC/USARK [...]

PIJAC Sets Feeder Rodent Standards
The first nationwide set of standards governing rats and mice raised as food for reptiles and birds of prey. [...]

Italian Wall Lizards Focus Of 10th Grader In Los Angeles
The Italian wall lizard (Podarcis sicula) has found a suitable home in a Los Angeles area suburb [...]

Two Frog Species Discovered In Venezuela
The frogs are of the genus Pristimantis [...]

Natural History Museum Los Angeles Raad Day
5th annual Reptile and Amphibian Appreciation Day (RAAD) [...]
Chytrid Fungus Releases Toxic Fungal Factor In Frogs
Macrophage and neutrophil cells are not impaired and can fight off the fungus [...]

New Species Of Rough Scaled Seasnake Confirmed
This venomous sea snake has been given the scientific name of Hydrophis donaldi [...]

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Petland Store In Florida Victim Of Snake Thieves
Snake thieves stole boas and ball pythons from Petland store in Bradenton, Fla. [...]
Turtles Losing Habitats To Climate Change
Warming climate has adverse effect on native American turtles. [...]
Paris Fashion House Kobja Creates Cane Toad Inspired Handbags
Polish fashion designer Monika Jarosz creates high end fashion items from cane toad skin. [...]
Los Angeles Zoo Uses Bird Test To Sex Komodo Dragon Embryos
DNA test to determine gender of bird embryos works on Komodo dragons. [...]