Author: Site Staff

Regenerated Lizard Tails Not As Functional As Originals
Study of Anolis carolinensis tail regeneration shows loss of original tail function. [...]
Cockroach Eating Contest To Win Snake Leads To Death For Florida Man
Man consumed 30 giant cockroaches, vomited and collapsed at a reptile store. [...]

Puerto Rico's Coquí Llanero Frog Listed As Endangered Species
The Puerto Rican lowland coquí is one of the smallest treefrogs in the world. [...]

Puerto Rico's Coqui Llanero Treefrog Recommended For Endangered Species List
The coqui llanero is the island's smallest tree frog [...]

Black Mamba Venom Shown To Reduce Pain In Mice
Study of Dendroaspis polylepis venom could lead to painkillers that are as strong as morphine but without the respiratory distress associated with the [...]

Breeder’s Choice: Candy-Striped Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Epicrates cenchria cenchria [...]

November Breeder’s Choice: Hypomelanistic Sunspot Corn Snake
Pantherophis guttata [...]

Copperheads And Cottonmouths Serve As Winter Hosts To Equine Encephalitis Virus
Virus has found a winter incubator in the venomous snakes [...]

Virginia Aquarium Acquires Female Komodo Dragon From San Antonio Zoo
Jude will be paired with Teman in hopes of producing Varanus komodoensis offspring. [...]

Komodo Dragons Hatch At L.A. Zoo
The L.A. Zoo hatched 22 Komodo dragons this month. [...]
Reptile Jobs And Employment
Job listings for adults passionate about reptiles. [...]

Aussie Teen Bitten By Inland Taipan Snake
Oxyuranus microlepidotus venom is considered the most deadly by median lethal dose value. [...]

Pacific Leatherback Sea Turtle Named California State Marine Reptile
Dermochelys coriacea joins the desert tortoise as official state reptiles. [...]

Leatherback Turtle Danger Zones ID'd In The Pacific Ocean
New study could help to alter fishing times while reducing deaths of Dermochelys coriacea. [...]
PIJAC Lobbies Against 3 Proposed Pet Laws
Laws would ban certain reptiles, other exotic animals. [...]

HR 511 ‘Python Ban’ Released By House Judiciary
This bill, if passed as currently drafted, would add 9 constricting snakes to the Injurious Wildlife List of the Lacey Act. [...]

Endangered Eastern Indigo Snake Found On Florida’s Captiva Island
Drymarchon corais couperi hasn't been spotted on Captiva in 25 years. [...]

Rescued Leatherback Sea Turtle Released
Male Dermochelys coriacea was underweight and lethargic. [...]

Snakes Evolved From Blind Underground Dwelling Reptiles
Today's snakes have been traced to a group of blind snakes called scolecophidians. [...]

Study Says Reptile Venom Molecules Are Not Always Toxic
British study says reptile venom can evolve into harmless compounds that could lead to new drug discoveries. [...]
Pet Products Honored At SuperZoo
BioBubble Terra Won First Place in the Reptile Category. [...]
Asian Frogs Are Going Extinct Faster Than They Can Be Identified
Economic development seen as factor in frog extinction in Asia. [...]

Connecticut Homeowner Can Continue Home-Based Snake Breeding Business
City issues cease and desist order, later issues home business permit for breeder of ball pythons and boa constrictors. [...]