Author: Site Staff

Greater Short Horned Lizard A Rarity In Canada
Parks Canada biologists study Phrynosoma hernandesi to protect its environment. [...]
Giant Saltwater Crocodile Captured In The Southern Philippines
The 20ft Crocodylus porosus might be set free, away from populated areas [...]

Scientists Discover Giant Marine Turtle That Suctioned Its Food
Fossil Ocepechelon bouyai, discovered in Morocco is from one of the largest marine turtles to have swam the Earth's oceans. [...]

Proposal Submitted To Designate Critical Habitat For The Loggerhead Sea Turtle
NMFS proposes waters off of six eastern states be designated as critical habitat for Caretta caretta. [...]

Utah Gets Federal Aid To Protect Desert Tortoise
Gopherus agassizii also gets 1,245 acres for habitat. [...]

More Than 600 Water Monitors Relocated After They Raided Fish Farms In Thailand
The lizards were relocated to Thailand's Khaoson Wildlife Breeding Centre. [...]
Mexican Scientists Discover 23-Million-Year-Old Lizard Preserved In Amber
The lizard is believed to be from the genus Anolis and is a complete animal. [...]

Writer’s Guidelines
Find out the writer's guidelines and how to submit your text for REPTILES magazine. [...]

Breeder's Choice: Morelia Viridis
The Breeder's Choice for August, 2013. [...]

Breeder's Choice: Carolina Classics Bearded Dragon
Hypomelanistic Rainbow Dunner Bearded Dragon [...]

Two Southwestern Garter Snakes Proposed For Endangered Species Protections
USFWS will render a decision on the narrow headed garter snake and the northern Mexican garter snake in fiscal year 2014. [...]

Reptile Rescues
List of reptile rescues and resources. [...]

Long Thought Extirpated Northern Mexican Garter Snake Discovered In New Mexico
Herpetologists with the ABQ BioPark Zoo Discover three Thamnophis eques on the Gila River [...]

Connecticut’s DEEP to Hold "Year of the Snake" Education Campaign
DEEP and Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation will hold interactive program July 24 at Stratton Brook State Park. [...]

4th Of July Turtle Race To Go On In Bel Air, Maryland
The city's Independence Day organizers will reassess if a turtle race will be held in 2014. [...]

Ground Snake Morphs And Coral Snake Mimicry
Why hasn't evolution eliminated ground snakes that look nothing like coral snakes? [...]

Eastern Hellbender Protections Sought In Lawsuit
While the Ozark hellbender has been protected since 2011, the eastern hellbender is not. [...]

Herp Society And Reptile Club Listings
National and International Herp Societies and Reptile Clubs [...]

Critical Habitat Of Dusky Gopher Frog Challenged
Lawsuit filed by private landowner will be challenged by The Center for Biological Diversity and the Gulf Restoration Network. [...]

Two-headed Texas River Cooter Born At San Antonio Zoo
Pseudemys texana, named Thelma and Louise have two heads on one body. [...]

Newly Discovered Vegetarian Reptile Bunostegos Lived More Than 250 Years Ago
Bunostegos had knobby-like growths on its head and lived in semi-arid and arid regions of Pangea. [...]

Gopher Snake Versus Squirrel
Woman calls 911 to break up fight between gopher snake and squirrel. [...]

Snake Expert William Lamar Pleads Guilty To Smuggling 7 Snakes Into The U.S.
Co-author of The Venomous Reptiles of Latin America caught with five Peruvian pit vipers and two Colubrid snakes. [...]

West Fargo, ND Residents May Keep Certain Constricting Snakes If New Proposal Becomes Law
Ordinance passed first reading that sets up permitting system and limits the number of snakes to three. [...]