Author: Site Staff

Chytrid Fungus Now In Kansas
Wichita State University students find evidence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in three locations in the state. [...]

Young Giant Amphibian Of The Triassic Period Was A Burrower
Metoposaurus diagnosticus burrowed during conditions when water was scarce. [...]

Gardiner’s Frog Hears With Mouth Cavity
Sooglossus gardineri lacks middle earm uses mouth cavity to hear sounds. [...]

San Francisco Bay Area Residents Beware Of Snake Scam Burglar
Several Bay area homes burglarized by snakes of the human kind. [...]

Creature Caption
Welcome to ReptilesMagazine's Creature Caption Contest
ReptilesMagazine's Creature Caption Contest is a monthly contest. Each mont [...]

Creature Caption Archive
Creature Caption Contest Winners
Check out the winning photo captions for the Creature Caption Contest.
Congratulations To The Winners [...]

ReptileChannel's Winners Wall
Wiiners of the Autographed Copy of "The Symbol: Wall Lizards of Ibiza and Formentera" by Nathan Dappen Jim Soos of Bl [...]

Oregon Spotted Frog Candidate For Endangered Species Act Protection
Rana pretiosa has enjoyed a high success rate in a captive breeding program in a Washington state prison. [...]

Las Vegas Area Desert Tortoise Conservation Center To Close
Petition launched on to stop a federal plan to euthanize remaining tortoises. [...]

Two Texas Salamanders Listed Under The Endangered Species Act
Despite efforts of a Texas congressman and other politicians to prevent their listing, the Austin blind salamander (Eurycea waterlooensis) and the [...]
Ranavirus Cause Of Death Of 19 Wild Turtles In Illinois
Scientists unsure how virus infected the turtles. [...]

Female Cope’s Gray Treefrogs Prefer Multitasking Males
Study says that male treefrogs that can trill longer and more frequently are preferred mates. [...]

Florida FWC Seeks Help In Sighting Certain Snakes
Tracking website launched for the southern hognose snake, short-tailed snake, and the Florida pine snake. [...]
Chester Zoo Starts Breeding Program For The Critically Endangered Bermuda Skink
Zoo hopes to create a toolkit for others to follow, and to release Plestiodon longirostris offspring back into the wild. [...]

Python Suspected In Deaths Of Two Boys
Snake was housed in enclosure where children were visiting friends. [...]

FDA Amends 1975-era Turtle Ban Law
U.S. Food and Drug Administration will no longer destroy viable turtle eggs and small turtles. [...]

Sarasota Florida Police Officer Rescues 100 Sea Turtle Hatchlings
Disoriented hatchlings were found crawling aimlessly in hotel parking lot. [...]

Zoo Atlanta’s Komodo Dragon, Slasher Dies At 20
Reptile was euthanized due to age-related complications. [...]

Reptile Products At SuperZoo 2013
SuperZoo showcased a variety of reptile products. [...]

Singer Island Fla. Sea Walls Could Be In Violation Of Endangered Species Act
Seawalls could prohibit sea turtles from reaching nesting beaches in Palm Beach County. [...]

Snakebite Treatment In A Nasal Spray? It Could Happen
UC San Francisco medical doctor researching portable neostigmine nasal spray for snakebites. [...]

New Gecko Species From Vietnam Discovered
Cyrtodactylus kingsadai is the 25th species discovered in the Southeast Asian nation since 1997. [...]

Three Pesticides Found In Remote Populations Of California’s Pacific Chorus Frog
Discovery marks the first time that these pesticides were found in wild frog tissue. [...]
USARK Working Hard In D.C.
President Phil Goss meets with House and Senate congressional members to express opposition to USFWS efforts on Lacey Act [...]