Author: Joe Myers

The Northern Leopard Frog: From Egg To Frog
A journey of the leopard frog from tadpole to adult. [...]

A Unique Snapping Turtle Rescue
These snapping turtle eggs were rescued from a dead turtle that had been hit by a car. [...]

Herping The Little Grass Frog
The tiny little grass frog (Limnaoedus ocularis) is indeed tiny. About a half-dozen can fit on a quarter, and one can rest quite peacefully on your fi [...]
Herping The Barking Treefrog
The barking treefrog is a true favorite! I have known a number of people who enjoy herping this amusing, amazing, and colorful frog. This large t [...]

Herping the Southern Spring Peeper
Spring peepers literally dominate the Florida nightscape on winter evenings, and stepping outside in the evenings may reveal a chorus of them in [...]

Herping The Cuban Treefrog
The Cuban Treefrog (Hyla septentrionalis) is a large and invasive species of treefrog that was introduced and is spreading in range, with its only lim [...]

Eastern Box Turtle Care Sheet
Here are a few tips for keeping the Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) alive and well in captivity, including care of the hat [...]

Herping The Wood Turtle
Just recently I posted an article concerning the captive care of the wood turtle. Here's a little look at their "wild side."
Read M [...]

Wood Turtle Care Sheet
Wood turtles are a lot of fun to keep and to raise, as they are for the most part very tame and friendly.

Frogging The Florida Sandhills
The Sandhills of Central and Western Florida are an incredible place to explore. . . and to "herp" for frogs! Very dry and scrubby, and [...]

Northern Leopard Frog Care Sheet
Northern leopard frog (Rana/Lithobates pipiens)
The Northern leopard frog (Rana/Lithobates pipiens) is a very colorful frog, and is surprisingly ea [...]

Herping The Florida Chorus Frog
The Florida chorus frog (Pseudacris nigrita) is one of the prettiest little frogs I have ever encountered, and yet one of the hardest to find, even th [...]

Green Treefrog Care Sheet
Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea)
The green treefrog is common throughout the southeast United States, and their presence is best known by their ca [...]

Herping The Florida Leopard Frog
After spending much of my life living in Ohio, among the flatlands near Columbus where open-field marshes dotted the countryside, (and the Northern Le [...]

Herping The Eastern Box Turtle
The Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) has a rather complex annual cycle, which will put it into different areas at different times of t [...]

Herping The Green Frog
The changing color and patterns of the same species of frog is interesting. [...]
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