Tag: tortoise
Jonathan the Tortoise, the World’s Oldest Land Animal, Celebrates 191st Birthday
Aldabra tortoises are so named because of where they are found in the wild, the Aldabran Atoll off the coast of the Seychelles [...]

Gopher Tortoise Walks Into Concrete, Saved By Florida’s Peace River Wildlife Center
The tortoise was found next to a house that was being built, and the sanctuary speculates the nest the tortoise came out of was on an adjacent propert [...]

3-Legged Ploughshare Tortoise Rescued From Smugglers Makes Home At UK’s Chester Zoo
Hope was discovered in a suitcase in Hong Kong with 56 other endangered tortoises in 2019. [...]
Fernandina Giant Tortoise Confirmed to Be New Species
Fern has now been confirmed, nearly four years later, as the only known living species of Chelonoidis phantastica [...]
Six Western Swamp Tortoises Hatched At Australia’s Adelaide Zoo
Threats to the Western swamp tortoise include land clearing for agriculture, pesticide and fertilizer use, housing development and fire. [...]

ESA Protections For Sonoran Desert Tortoise Not Needed, USFWS Says
The service says that the reptile still occupies most of its historical range with adult population estimates in the hundreds of thousands. [...]
10 Captive-Bred Asian Giant Tortoises Released Into The Wild
Manouria emys phayrei is the largest tortoise in Asia. [...]

Florida Man Buys Land To Help Save Local Gopher Tortoise Population
A man on Marco Island in Florida has acquired a vacant plot of land next to his home to ensure that the gopher tortoises that live on the plot are ens [...]
$13,000 Reward For Info Leading to Arrest And Conviction Galapagos Tortoise Killers
Early this month two would-be tortoise thieves attempted to steal Jasmine, a 27-year-old Galapagos tortoise from Jerry Fife, an expert on tortoises an [...]

Sulcata Tortoise Suffering From MBD Gets Mobile With Aid of Custom Wheelchair
An 11-year-old Sulcata tortoise who has been suffering from metabolic bone disease since birth was outfitted with a custom wheelchair to help him move [...]

Three Things You Need To Know About Tortoise Food
As a proud tortoise owner, you know your reptile needs good nutrition to stay healthy and well but what does a balanced, complete tortoise diet includ [...]

Tortoise Stolen From Florida’s Riverland Nursery
Someone stole Calypso, a yellow-footed tortoise (Geochelone denticulata) from the Riverland Nursery in Fort Myers, Florida, and the folks at the nurse [...]

5 Key Elements of Reptile Nutrition
From turtles and tortoises to iguanas and lizards, a complete and balanced diet is critical for the health and longevity of reptiles. Complete means a [...]
8 Southwestern Pond Turtles Rescued From Fire Devastated California Mountains
Biologists with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), University of Califo [...]

Desert Tortoise Survives Not One, But Two Utah Wildfires
A Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) was observed during a Utah Division of Wildlife Resources fire destruction survey in southern Utah with [...]
Gopher Tortoise Conservation Plan Updated And Announced By USDA
The United States Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service will continue its conservation efforts of the gopher tortoise (Go [...]
Petsmart Teams With Snapchat To Promote Reptile Keeping
Petsmart announced it is using an augmented reality lens with the Snapchat social medial platform in an effort to promote reptile keeping. The AR lens [...]
Buffalo Zoo Wants Stolen Red-Footed Tortoise Returned
Someone stole the Buffalo Zoo's resident red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria), and the zoo is hoping that she will be returned safely. Red, as [...]
How To Build A Basic Outdoor Tortoise Pen
Tortoises should stay in, and predators should stay out. Also, as escape artists, tortoises require both a below-ground barrier and something they ca [...]
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