Tag: Snakes

Scared Of Snakes? There Is No Need To Be
Fear is a powerful emotion. It stops people in their tracks, but it also moves other people to needlessly kill snakes. [...]

Examining Soil For eDNA Leads to Locating Eastern Indigo Snakes
They determined that the Eastern indigo snake sheds detectable DNA in the soil in which they traverse in less than two minutes, and that DNA is detect [...]
Research Shows Ecological Factors That Shaped How Snake And Lizard Jaws Evolved
The researchers found that the lower jaw of snakes and lizards are a major element in their ecological experimentation and adaptation that work togeth [...]
Black-headed Python Cannibalism Event Caught On Camera In Australia
The black-headed python is found in the northern third of Australia, from east to west, including the Northern Territories, northern lattitudes of Que [...]
Psychedelic Rock Gecko, Other Reptiles Native To Vietnam Need Protections, Study Says
The study, which draws largely on the bachelor thesis of Lilli Steiger of the University of Cologne in Germany, has recommended that Vietnam adopt the [...]
Eastern Indigo Snake Care Sheet
While they may require more maintenance and investment, Eastern indigos are one of the most intelligent and rewarding snake species a passionate herpe [...]
Michigan Reticulated Python Owner Found
The snake, which officers named Jerry, was found in good health and was turned over to the Oakland County Animal Control & Pet Adoption Center. [...]
Snake Fungal Disease Spreads In California
Snake fungal disease, a debilitating disease that causes a slow death in wild snakes has spread tom more locations in California and has impacted more [...]

Nuevo Leon Kingsnake Care Sheet
Most of the available captive bred Nuevo Leon kingsnakes are many generations removed from the wild due to the laws protecting their importation into [...]

Boa Constrictor Care Sheet
Expert tips on caring for the Colombian boa constrictor. [...]
New 2023 CITES Herp Listings
Did you know that your pet herp may be a species of protected wildlife? Many exotic reptiles and amphibians are protected under CITES, also known as t [...]
Dwarf Boa New To Science Discovered In Ecuador’s Upper Amazon Basin
Researchers have discovered and described a new species of dwarf boa of the family Tropidophiidae living high in the cloud forests of northeastern Ecu [...]

The Top 10 ReptilesMagazine Website Stories For 2022
Consistently over the years the No. 1 story of the year is 5 Great Beginner Pet Snakes. This story has performed exceptionally well ever since it was [...]

Female Snakes Possess Two Clitorises, Study Finds
The researchers discovered that the female snakes possessed two hemiclitores, both which are separate and non-eversible structures in the tails. [...]
Three New Snakes of The Genus Atractus Discovered in Ecuador
The new snakes, Atractus discovery, A. zgap, A. michaelsabini sp. nov. are native to Ecuador and Colombia. [...]

Sacramento, CA to Hold First SnakeFest Conservation Festival July 16
The festival will also enable participants to tour the Snake Conservation Center. [...]
Live Gopher Snake Found At Hawaii Home Depot
There are no native snake species on any of the Hawaiian Islands. [...]

Snake On A Plane Causes AirAsia Flight To Reroute
In Kuching, the plane was fumigated and the passengers were allowed to board and continued with their flight. [...]
Maryland Man Tries To Smoke Out Snakes From Home, Causes $1 Million In Damage
If your house is infested with snakes, call animal control. [...]
Reward For Info Leading To Conviction Of Person Who Killed Rocky The Eastern Indigo Snake
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources' Georgia DNR Law Enforcement is looking for the person or persons who poached and killed an endangered Eas [...]

Researchers In Taiwan Document Formosa Kukri Snake Gutting And Eating Banded Bullfrogs
Last year, researchers in Thailand documented how the small-banded kukri snake, (Oligodon fasciolatus) used its posterior maxillary teeth to slash ope [...]

Philippine Burrowing Snake Species Discovered In University Collection
A subterranean snake that was collected in the Philippines in 2006 and 2007 was misidentified in the field and spent more than 10 years in the Univers [...]
Three Ball Pythons Abandoned In Pennsylvania Town
Police in Middletown Township, PA were called to a residence in Levittown after a four foot long ball python was found in a man's garage. And after po [...]

Snake Fungal Disease Spreads To 19 States, Puerto Rico
Snake fungal disease, a deadly snake disease now known as Ophidiomycosis, and caused by the keratinophilic fungus Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola, has sprea [...]