Category: Wild Turtles & Tortoises

1 5 6 7 8 9 11 168 / 264 POSTS

Painted Turtle’s Shell Reattached With Epoxy And Zip Ties

A painted turtle (Chrysemys picta ssp. and C. dorsalis) that was hit by a car gets a second lease on life as the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center a [...]
Coastguardsmen Untangle Two Sea Turtles Caught In Fishing Line Off Central America

Coastguardsmen Untangle Two Sea Turtles Caught In Fishing Line Off Central America

Coastguardsmen on the Coast Guard Cutter Stratton out of Alameda, Calif. were on patrol looking for drug runners when they happened upon a pair of sea [...]
Long Island, NY Sees Mass Die Off Of Diamondback Terrapins

Long Island, NY Sees Mass Die Off Of Diamondback Terrapins

Hundreds of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) have been washing up dead on beaches near Jamesport and Flanders Bay in Long Island, NY&n [...]
Aussie Teen Helps Raise Funds for New Western Swamp Tortoise Breeding Facility

Aussie Teen Helps Raise Funds for New Western Swamp Tortoise Breeding Facility

Andrew Triglavcanin, a 13-year-old from Perth, Australia has raised $400 for a new breeding facility for the western swamp tortoise (Pseudemydura umbr [...]
Blanding’s Turtle Halts Wind Farm In Canada

Blanding’s Turtle Halts Wind Farm In Canada

The Blanding’s turtle, (Emydoidea blandingii) an endangered North American species in much of its range, has put a wrench in an energy comp [...]

60 Captive Raised Myanmar Roofed Turtles Released

There is good news coming out of Myanmar (formerly Burma) as 60 captive raised Myanmar roofed turtles (Batagur trivittata), the second most endangered [...]

Western Pond Turtle Step Closer To Endangered Species Status

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that Endangered Species Act protections may be warranted for the western pond turtle  (Actinemys marmorat [...]

Dead Sea Turtle Found In Charcoal Bin In Hawaii

Sad news coming out of Hawaii as a dead sea turtle was found in a charcoal bin amongst a case of empty beer and and other rubbish at Maili Beach [...]
Study Says Ecopassages That Let Turtles Cross Under Roads Don’t Always Work

Study Says Ecopassages That Let Turtles Cross Under Roads Don’t Always Work

You know those passageways designed to help reptiles safely cross under busy roads? Well, if not properly designed, they don’t seem to work [...]
California’s Desert Tortoise Gains 11 Square Miles Of Habitat

California’s Desert Tortoise Gains 11 Square Miles Of Habitat

The desert tortoise  (Gopherus agassizii) in California has had 11 square miles of habitat on private land set aside in an effort to offset the i [...]
Coyotes Devouring Loggerhead Sea Turtle Eggs On South Carolina Barrier Islands

Coyotes Devouring Loggerhead Sea Turtle Eggs On South Carolina Barrier Islands

Feral hogs that decimated loggerhead sea turtle  (Caretta caretta) nests on an island off South Carolina have been replaced by coyotes after a fairly [...]
Pennsylvania Home Builder Sells Land Easement To Feds To Protect Bog Turtle

Pennsylvania Home Builder Sells Land Easement To Feds To Protect Bog Turtle

When you hear about land developers and reptiles in the news, it is usually about the developer building on sensitive habitat of an endangered reptile [...]

Rat Eradication Effort Pays Dividends For Galapagos Island Tortoises

Scientists in 2012 started a program to cover 18 square kilometers of Pinzón Island in the Galapagos Island chain with poisoned rat bait in an [...]
Scientists To Study Lesser Known Flatback Sea Turtle

Scientists To Study Lesser Known Flatback Sea Turtle

The Australian flatback sea turtle (Natator depressus) is a tough little chelonian that is native only to Australian waters, Papua New Guinea and cert [...]

Bad News For Australia’s White-Throated Snapping Turtle

Australia’s white-throated snapping turtle (Elseya albagula) is in danger of becoming extinct due in part to the construction of dams as we [...]

Hundreds Of Juvenile Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles Stranded On Cape Cod

The Massachusetts Audobon Society and the New England Aquarium have been inundated in the last month with nearly 200 juvenile Kemp’s ridley (Lep [...]
Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle Nests Down Dramatically In Gulf of Mexico

Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle Nests Down Dramatically In Gulf of Mexico

Scientists speaking Nov. 19 at the Second International Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Symposium in Texas have said that the Kemp’s ridley sea tur [...]
USFWS Seeks Comment On CITES Protections For Four Native U.S. Turtles

USFWS Seeks Comment On CITES Protections For Four Native U.S. Turtles

The common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) and three other U.S. turtles would be given more protections under a proposed USFWS rule. [...]
Scientists Directly Link Agricultural/Urban Runoff to Fibropapillomatosis in Sea Turtles

Scientists Directly Link Agricultural/Urban Runoff to Fibropapillomatosis in Sea Turtles

Scientists have for the first time found a direct cause of tumors found on the internal organs, face, body, and flippers of green sea turtles (Cheloni [...]
North Carolina Sea Turtle Nesting Declines No Cause For Alarm

North Carolina Sea Turtle Nesting Declines No Cause For Alarm

North Carolina has experienced a decline in sea turtles nesting on its coast for 2014, the first decline after four years of increasing numbers. Scien [...]
Leatherback Turtle Rescued By New Jersey Coast Guard

Leatherback Turtle Rescued By New Jersey Coast Guard

You have to love the U.S. Coast Guard. You can hail them on Channel 16 when you are on the water and your boat is in distress. They perform some of th [...]
Herping The Eastern Box Turtle

Herping The Eastern Box Turtle

The Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) has a rather complex annual cycle, which will put it into different areas at different times of t [...]
Beautiful  Dive Footage Of A Sea Turtle In The Philippines

Beautiful Dive Footage Of A Sea Turtle In The Philippines

A sea turtle hung around for more than 30 minutes while diving instructor Gage Veridiano was shooting it on video. [...]
Leatherback Turtle Survives Billfish Impalement

Leatherback Turtle Survives Billfish Impalement

The sword was successfully removed from the sea turtle and sent to a lab for analysis. [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 11 168 / 264 POSTS