Category: Wild Turtles & Tortoises

Encouraging Signs For San Diego's Southwestern Pond Turtle
Captive Breeding and Release Program Gets Results [...]

Hawksbill Sea Turtles Found Foraging And Living In Mangrove Estuaries
12 adult female Eretmochelys imbricatas were tracked to mangrove forests of Central America [...]

Loggerhead Sea Turtles Categorized Into Groups For Protection Status
Some Caretta caretta classified as endangered while others are not. [...]

India Coast Most Dangerous For Sea Turtles
IUCN report states that five of 11 threatened sea turtles found in Indian Ocean [...]
Rescued Pacific Green Sea Turtle Nursed Back To Health And Released
Sea World San Diego staff worked 10 months to treat the chelonian [...]

Herpes-Like Virus Sickening Sea Turtles In Australia
The fibro-papilloma virus has been found on turtles of the Great Barrier Reef [...]

Ohio Turtles At Risk From Duck Nest Boxes
More regular checks advised to safeguard the well being of these reptiles. [...]

Surfer’s Antics Sparks Outrage After Riding Threatened Hawaiian Sea Turtle
Pro surfer faces potential fines if found to have violated state and federal law for molesting chelonia mydas. [...]
Bog Turtle Survival Enhanced Due To Public Private Conservation Efforts
Some programs offer compensation to landowners who restore and protect bog turtle areas. [...]

On The Satellite Track Of Loggerhead Turtles
Observing day to day lives of a Sub-Population of Sea Turtles [...]

Chelonians: Wild Caught Or Captive Bred?
Purchasing captive-bred turtles and tortoises whenever possible is always recommended. [...]

Poached Sea Turtle Eggs
I suspect that almost anyone with an Internet connection has seen the images of native Central Americans appearing to poach sea turtle eggs from the b [...]

Florida Commission Meeting To Discuss New Turtle Rule
Florida Commission to meet on the future of turtles and tortoises. [...]

Florida Turtle Protection
Florida takes first major steps to protect its turtles. [...]

Yangtze Disappointment
The second attempt to breed Yangtze giant soft-shell turtles ends in failure. [...]
Gopher Tortoise Education
Want to learn more about the gopher tortoise? [...]

Florida Sea Turtle Rescue
Veterinarians in Florida play key role in sea turtle rescue. [...]

Decline In Loggerhead Sea Turtles
New report shows loggerhead sea turtle numbers are declining. [...]

Sea Turtle Survival
The six sea turtle species found in U.S. waters have been protected since the 1970s under the Endangered Species Act. [...]

Box Turtle Graveyard
The story of the box turtle graveyard. [...]
Amazon Turtles
Learn about common turtle species along the Amazon. [...]

South Africa Tortoises
Learn about South Africa's tortoise species. [...]

American Softshell Turtles
American softshell turtles have immense grace and an alert demeanor. [...]

Giant River Turtles
Russell A. Mittermeier, Kurt A. Buhlmann, Anders G.J. Rhodin and Peter C.H. Pritchard December 1, 2011
Efforts around the world are underway to recover declining turtle populations. [...]