Category: Snakes

Taipan Snake Health Problems
Supplement to the August 2008 REPTILES magazine article "Taipan Number One." [...]

Endangered Species Act Protections Sought For 53 Reptile And Amphibian Species In 45 States
Petition is largest filed to save herps. [...]
2012 NRBE Daytona Auction Proceeds To Benefit USARK
Those interested can donate herp-related auction items for the August 18 auction. [...]

The Cruelty Of Rattlesnake Roundups
While some roundups have changed to festivals with no harm caused to rattlesnakes, others still exist that kill them. [...]

The Boomslang Snake Of Africa
In Botswana, one man battles to calm people's fear of this potentially deadly snake (Dispholidus typus). [...]
Snake Vaccinations For Pets
I heard that it’s now in vogue to get vaccinations against snakebites for pets. Do people actually pay for this? [...]
White Carpet
How to breed for albino carpet pythons. [...]

Spitting Cobra Accuracy
New research looks into the spitting cobra’s accuracy. [...]

Snake Cardiovascular System Anatomy
Know your snake inside and out with this snake cardiovascular system anatomy overview. [...]

Venomous Reptiles And The Law
Liability is the single most important legal concern for those with an interest in venomous reptiles. [...]

Coral Snake Research
A research team took these venomous reptiles into their care. [...]

Eyelash Viper
I can think of no other species of snake as variable in coloration and pattern as this reptile. [...]

Visit The American International Rattlesnake Museum
See different species at this museum devoted to snakes. [...]

Bevel-Nosed Boas
Bevel-nosed boas have narrow heads, long prehensile tails and a variable pattern. [...]

The Dice Snake
The Dice snake is found in eastern Europe and western Asia. [...]

The English Grass Snake
Check out the English grass snake. [...]

Snake With Retained Spectacle
What if my snake's spectacle is retained when it shed's its skin? [...]