Author: Paul Donovan

Care for the Challenging Giant Plated Lizard
The plated lizard is a challenging lizard to keep. [...]

Motorbiking to Botswana's Reptiles
Two wheels allow herping in areas that four wheels can’t go.
Botswana may be landlocked, with an interior comprised mostly of the Kalaha [...]

Flap-Neck Chameleon Care Sheet
Updated February 3, 2023
Flap-Neck Chameleon (Chamaeleo Dilepis)
Widely distributed in tropical and Southern Africa. In some parts o [...]

The Boomslang Snake Of Africa
In Botswana, one man battles to calm people's fear of this potentially deadly snake (Dispholidus typus). [...]

Boomslang Care Sheet
Care sheet for the boomslang Dispholidus typus [...]
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