Category: More Reptile Reading
Tokay Gecko In Mexican Standoff With Golden Treesnake In Thailand
The treesnake may have bit more than it could chew with the large lizard. [...]
Map Turtle Care And Information
Map turtles are as remarkable in their diversity as they are in their behavior. [...]
Bd Infected Peruvian Frogs Still Haven’t Recovered From 10-Year-Old Die Off
Scientists speculate that Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is keeping frog populations low in Peru's Manu National Park. [...]
Texas Agrees To Proposed Rule To Ban Unlimited Commercial Trapping Of Wild Turtles
It is hoped the unlimited collection of wild turtles is stopped or curtailed in Texas. [...]
Scientists Hope To Populate Guam’s Forest Canopy With Drug-Laden Dead Mice To Kill Invasive Brown Tree Snakes
Researchers want to expand the drop zones of drug-laced mice to further control the brown tree snake population on Guam. [...]
Alligator Snapping Turtles Not Seen In Illinois in 30 Years Reappear In The Wild
The last time an alligator snapping turtle was seen in the wild in the state of Illinois was back in 1984.
Corn Snake Lost In Rental Van For 5 Months Finally Reunited With Owner
Gavin Burnett was moving to a new city when Mushu escaped inside the moving van. [...]
Rules and Regulations For Box Turtles In Ohio?
Consult directly with your local authorities before making a reptile purchase of which you’re uncertain. [...]
The Vet Report: Reptile Vomiting and Regurgitation
The two most common causes of vomiting or regurgitation in snakes are low-environmental temperature and handling the animal too soon after eating. [...]
Herp Queries: The 4-Inch Turtle Law
The law is aimed at curtailing commercial sales of small turtles, which often end up as pets of small children. [...]
Field Herping For Snakes: Driving Or On Foot?
Walking through a herp’s habitat to find it offers the added pleasure of communing with nature up close. [...]
Penn State Researchers Use Glow Sticks To Capture Amphibians For Study
Research funding for herps is often limited, so the use of these lighting devices speeds up the research. [...]
New FrogID App Helps Aussies Record And Catalog Frog Calls
FrogID will help Australia catalog the country's more than 230 frog species. [...]
Man In Germany Locked Up To Sober Up After Police Find A Snake In His Pants
Police noticed a significant bulge in his trousers, which turned out to be a ball python. [...]
Trump Administration Sued For Denying Protections To Florida Keys Mole Skink
The little skink can only be found on a few islands in the Florida Keys. [...]
Hundreds Of Dead Sea Turtles Found Floating Off El Salvador
The dead turtles were already in a state of decomposition. [...]
The Scoop On Reptile Poop
Most herps’ droppings don’t last long out in the rigors of nature. [...]
Herp Queries: Photographing A Venomous Snake
Never allow any part of your body to come within striking range. [...]
How To Create The Perfect Desert Terrarium
Build the right enclosure for your desert species. [...]
If No Action Taken, Invasive Toad Could Threaten Komodo Dragon
The invasive Asian common toad has left a trail of death and destruction as it hops from one Indonesian island to another. [...]
Nampa University Home To Rare Crowned Treefrog And Undescribed New Species Seized in Hong Kong Shipment
The unidentified species will remain unidentified until the species is found and observed in the wild. [...]
Florida Turtle Caught In Crab Trap Brought Back To Life via CPR
Troy Russo pushed the turtle's legs in and out to expel water and then performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. [...]
How To Choose And Care For A Corn Snake
Corn snakes are still one of the most popular snakes in the hobby. [...]
Could Fear Of Snakes Be Genetic? Study Says Yes
Humans have a built in fear of snakes, according to babies view of photos depicting the reptiles. [...]