Category: Lizard Information & News

Protections Sought For Yuman Desert Fringe-toed Lizard and 6 Other Herps
Center for Biological Diversity is suing USFWS to get protections for these southwestern U.S. herps. [...]
Island Born Lizards Are Less Prone To Fleeing Than Those Found On Mainlands
Study confirms Darwin's notion that island prey animals are tamer than mainland counterparts. [...]

Three Lizards Species Discovered in Peru
Three lizard species of the genus Liolaemus discovered in Peru. [...]
San Diego Zoo Institute Hatches Jamaican Iguana
Cyclura collei is the first successful hatching of the species at the institute. [...]

Zoo Atlanta’s Komodo Dragon, Slasher Dies At 20
Reptile was euthanized due to age-related complications. [...]

Komodo Dragon Attacks Park Employees At Komodo National Park
Employees both bitten in leg by Varanus komodoensis. [...]

New Gecko Species From Vietnam Discovered
Cyrtodactylus kingsadai is the 25th species discovered in the Southeast Asian nation since 1997. [...]

The Ultimate Ambassador For Reptile Conservation
Meet Baru, the giant saltwater crocodile now on view at the Toledo Zoo. [...]
Mexican Scientists Discover 23-Million-Year-Old Lizard Preserved In Amber
The lizard is believed to be from the genus Anolis and is a complete animal. [...]

Stolen Bearded Dragon (and Car) Returned To Fashion Model
Bearded dragon was stolen/recovered along with model's Lexus in San Diego. [...]

After Six Years, San Francisco Woman Gets Her Bearded Dragon Back From Taxidermist
Woman is hopeful her bearded dragon will be mounted soon. [...]

The Brighter The Frilled Lizard’s Frill, The More Likely It Wins A Battle
Chlamydosaurus kingii color details fighting capability of frilled lizards. [...]

Researchers Have Mapped The Family Tree Of All Known Snake And Lizard Groups
More than 4,000 lizard and snake species mapped using DNA sequencing. [...]

Argentine Tegus On The Loose In Florida Town
Former resident of Panama City apparently released them into the wild and skipped town. [...]

New Species Of Lizard Of The Family Agamidae Discovered In Somalia
Findings published in the Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research [...]

Actor Nicolas Cage Gives Up His Asian Water Monitor Due To Busy Schedule
Wildlife Discovery Center in Lake Forest, IL acquires Cage's five year old Varanus salvator. [...]
Lolong The Largest Captive Saltwater Crocodile In The World Died From Inadequate Care
Mayor Edwin Elorde of Bunawan Town Philippines Blamed for Lolong's death. [...]

Rocker Alice Cooper To Help Out Swiss Reptile Zoo
Vivarium de Lausanne needs 250,000 Francs by the end of March to stay open. [...]

Madagascar Big-Eyed Snake And Chameleon Encounter Turns Deadly
Video captured of Mimophis mahfalensis eating a chameleon in Andasibe-Mantadia National Park. [...]

Lolong, The Largest Saltwater Crocodile In Captivity Dies
The 20-foot 2,370 pound Crocodylus porosus died in its enclosure in the southern Philippines. [...]

Researchers Name Extinct Lizard After President Obama
Obamadon gracilis disappeared after an asteroid struck the earth 65 million years ago. [...]

Wind Generator Towers Approved On Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard Habitat In Arizona
Wind-based electricity company wants to locate cooling towers on habitat where Phrynosoma mcallii live. [...]

Lizards Learn Faster Than Previously Thought
Study of Australian Eastern water skinks show quick spatial learning capabilities. [...]

Regenerated Lizard Tails Not As Functional As Originals
Study of Anolis carolinensis tail regeneration shows loss of original tail function. [...]