Category: Lizard Care

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 96 / 175 POSTS
The Monitor Lizard Foursome For Expert Keepers

The Monitor Lizard Foursome For Expert Keepers

Descriptions and keeping tips for four monitor species. For expert reptilekeepers only [...]
How to Entertain your Dragon

How to Entertain your Dragon

So, you have a pet lizard. You’ve set it up in a state-of-the-art lizard house with all the necessities including: space, comfortable shelter, h [...]
African Fat-Tailed Gecko Care Sheet

African Fat-Tailed Gecko Care Sheet

African fat-tailed geckos are not yet as widely available as the more common leopard geckos, but are now widely available online through breeders who [...]
Expert Tips On Keeping The Jackson's Chameleon

Expert Tips On Keeping The Jackson's Chameleon

These fascinating mini dinosaurs are a great choice for the hobbyist willing to put the time and effort into their care. [...]
5 Tips For Keeping The Savannah Monitor

5 Tips For Keeping The Savannah Monitor

Savannah monitors are robust, hardy lizards that have relatively simple care requirements [...]
Plumed Basilisk Lizard Care Tips

Plumed Basilisk Lizard Care Tips

Although the plumed basilisk is usually tame in captivity, exercise caution when handling even tame specimens. [...]
What Foods To Feed Your Reptiles

What Foods To Feed Your Reptiles

There are a variety of food items for your herps ranging from crickets to mice to bananas. [...]
Expert Care For the White-Throated Monitor

Expert Care For the White-Throated Monitor

Considered very intelligent, monitors are often claimed to recognize their keepers. Recent experiments on Varanus albigularis by John Phillips of the [...]
13 Tips To Better Reptile Handling

13 Tips To Better Reptile Handling

Excellent tips on how to safely handle your reptiles. [...]
How to Care For The Madagascar Ground Gecko

How to Care For The Madagascar Ground Gecko

The pictus gecko is the ultimate gecko species for novice reptile enthusiasts. [...]
Diplodactylus Geckos of Australia

Diplodactylus Geckos of Australia

Looking for a new gecko? Consider these small, lesser-known Australian species. [...]
Oustalet’s Chameleon Care and Breeding

Oustalet’s Chameleon Care and Breeding

The Oustalet’s chameleon is one of the world’s largest, and adults can attain a maximum length of about 2 feet. [...]
Build The Perfect Indoor Tegu Enclosure

Build The Perfect Indoor Tegu Enclosure

Your check list for tegu enclosure material and how to put it all together. [...]
Care Tips For The Australian Barking Gecko

Care Tips For The Australian Barking Gecko

Also known as thick-tailed geckos, the barking gecko is a great little lizard from Australia. [...]
Frilled Lizards With Scott Corning

Frilled Lizards With Scott Corning

Scott Corning guests on the Pet Radio Show to talk about frilled lizards. [...]
Choosing a Pet Anole

Choosing a Pet Anole

These anoles can make great pet lizards. [...]
Advanced Chameleon Keepers Only!

Advanced Chameleon Keepers Only!

There are some chameleon species that are delicate and best kept only by those with a great deal of experience. [...]
Giant Day Gecko Care Sheet

Giant Day Gecko Care Sheet

The giant day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) possesses jewel-tone colors and an interesting personality to match. [...]
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 96 / 175 POSTS