Author: Site Staff

Zoo Med Opens Turtle And Tortoise Facility
Zoo Med opens its new turtle and tortoise facility. [...]

Wildlife Dealer Anson Wong Detained
Wildlife dealer Anson Wong detained in Malaysia after officials find 98 live reptiles in his luggage. [...]

TSA Hong Kong Turtle Rescue
The TSA plans to import turtles rescued from a trade confiscation in Hong Kong. [...]

Reptilemania At The San Diego Zoo
Sept. 16 to 19 is Reptilemania at the San Diego Zoo. [...]

Dead Mice To Kill Invasive Snakes In Guam
Dead mice laced with acetaminophen are being used to kill the invasive brown tree snakes in Guam. [...]

PIJAC Welcomes New President And CEO
PIJAC welcomes Mike Canning as its new president and CEO. [...]
Cane Toads May Be Less Of A Threat
New research shows that invasive cane toads in Australia may be less of a threat than previously believed. [...]

Comment On Petition To Control Spread Of Chytrid
The FWS seeks public comment on a petition to control the spread of chytrid fungus by listing infected amphibians as "injurious wildlife" under the La [...]

Clay Ghann To Speak At International Conference
Clay Ghann, owner of Ghann's Cricket Farm, has been invited to speak at an arthropod conference in Vienna, Austria. [...]

Tetrafauna Viquarium Wins Awards At SuperZoo
Tetrafauna's Viquarium won two awards at SuperZoo 2010. [...]

Tortoise Poachers Apprehended In Madagascar
Radiated tortoise poachers were apprehended in Madagascar thanks to a tip from a local citizen. [...]

Desert Tortoises Moved For Solar Thermal Plant
Desert tortoises in a stretch of the Mojave Desert in Southern California are being moved to make way for a solar thermal power plant. [...]

FWC Seeks Information On Florida’s Listed Species
The FWC is seeking information on Florida's listed threatened species and species of special concern. [...]

New Program To Save Sea Turtles
A new capture-and-release program in the Caribbean aims to save sea turtles. [...]

White’s Role Expands At CCPet
Tom White's role expands at CCPet with title of general manager. [...]

Texas Proposes Changes To Salmonella Warnings
The Texas Department of State Health Services is proposing changes to the Salmonella warning signs reptile retailers use. [...]

Pollution May Be Linked To Sea Turtle Disease
A new study links pollution to a tumor-forming disease in green sea turtles. [...]

USFWS Lists Candidates For Endangered Species Act
The USFWS has released its annual list of candidates for protection under the Endangered Species Act. [...]

Three New Amphibian Species Discovered
Scientists have discovered three amphibian species believed to be new to science. [...]

What Your Pets Say About Your Career Path
According to a new survey, your choice of pet says something about your career path. [...]

USFWS Proposes Endangered Status For Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
The USFWS proposes that the dunes sagebrush lizard be protected under the Endangered Species Act. [...]

Crocodiles Have Diverse Ancestry
Evidence reveals that crocodiles have diverse ancestry and may not be the "living fossils" that some believe them to be. [...]

CaribSea Pet Store Makeover Contest
CaribSea's pet store makeover contest awards products and other gear to pet stores. [...]

Ohio Governor Orders Ban On 'Dangerous Wild Animals'
Outgoing Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland has ordered a ban on 'dangerous wild animals.' [...]