Author: Site Staff

1 26 27 28 29 30 53 672 / 1259 POSTS
Wildlife Dealer Anson Wong Detained

Wildlife Dealer Anson Wong Detained

Wildlife dealer Anson Wong detained in Malaysia after officials find 98 live reptiles in his luggage. [...]
TSA Hong Kong Turtle Rescue

TSA Hong Kong Turtle Rescue

The TSA plans to import turtles rescued from a trade confiscation in Hong Kong. [...]
Reptilemania At The San Diego Zoo

Reptilemania At The San Diego Zoo

Sept. 16 to 19 is Reptilemania at the San Diego Zoo. [...]
Dead Mice To Kill Invasive Snakes In Guam

Dead Mice To Kill Invasive Snakes In Guam

Dead mice laced with acetaminophen are being used to kill the invasive brown tree snakes in Guam. [...]
PIJAC Welcomes New President And CEO

PIJAC Welcomes New President And CEO

PIJAC welcomes Mike Canning as its new president and CEO. [...]

Cane Toads May Be Less Of A Threat

New research shows that invasive cane toads in Australia may be less of a threat than previously believed. [...]
Comment On Petition To Control Spread Of Chytrid

Comment On Petition To Control Spread Of Chytrid

The FWS seeks public comment on a petition to control the spread of chytrid fungus by listing infected amphibians as "injurious wildlife" under the La [...]
Clay Ghann To Speak At International Conference

Clay Ghann To Speak At International Conference

Clay Ghann, owner of Ghann's Cricket Farm, has been invited to speak at an arthropod conference in Vienna, Austria. [...]
Tortoise Poachers Apprehended In Madagascar

Tortoise Poachers Apprehended In Madagascar

Radiated tortoise poachers were apprehended in Madagascar thanks to a tip from a local citizen. [...]
Desert Tortoises Moved For Solar Thermal Plant

Desert Tortoises Moved For Solar Thermal Plant

Desert tortoises in a stretch of the Mojave Desert in Southern California are being moved to make way for a solar thermal power plant. [...]
FWC Seeks Information On Florida’s Listed Species

FWC Seeks Information On Florida’s Listed Species

The FWC is seeking information on Florida's listed threatened species and species of special concern. [...]
New Program To Save Sea Turtles

New Program To Save Sea Turtles

A new capture-and-release program in the Caribbean aims to save sea turtles. [...]
White’s Role Expands At CCPet

White’s Role Expands At CCPet

Tom White's role expands at CCPet with title of general manager. [...]
Texas Proposes Changes To <em>Salmonella</em> Warnings

Texas Proposes Changes To Salmonella Warnings

The Texas Department of State Health Services is proposing changes to the Salmonella warning signs reptile retailers use. [...]
Pollution May Be Linked To Sea Turtle Disease

Pollution May Be Linked To Sea Turtle Disease

A new study links pollution to a tumor-forming disease in green sea turtles. [...]
USFWS Lists Candidates For Endangered Species Act

USFWS Lists Candidates For Endangered Species Act

The USFWS has released its annual list of candidates for protection under the Endangered Species Act. [...]
Three New Amphibian Species Discovered

Three New Amphibian Species Discovered

Scientists have discovered three amphibian species believed to be new to science. [...]
What Your Pets Say About Your Career Path

What Your Pets Say About Your Career Path

According to a new survey, your choice of pet says something about your career path. [...]
USFWS Proposes Endangered Status For Dunes Sagebrush Lizard

USFWS Proposes Endangered Status For Dunes Sagebrush Lizard

The USFWS proposes that the dunes sagebrush lizard be protected under the Endangered Species Act. [...]
Crocodiles Have Diverse Ancestry

Crocodiles Have Diverse Ancestry

Evidence reveals that crocodiles have diverse ancestry and may not be the "living fossils" that some believe them to be. [...]
CaribSea Pet Store Makeover Contest

CaribSea Pet Store Makeover Contest

CaribSea's pet store makeover contest awards products and other gear to pet stores. [...]
Ohio Governor Orders Ban On 'Dangerous Wild Animals'

Ohio Governor Orders Ban On 'Dangerous Wild Animals'

Outgoing Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland has ordered a ban on 'dangerous wild animals.' [...]
1 26 27 28 29 30 53 672 / 1259 POSTS