Tag: Lizards
Psychedelic Rock Gecko, Other Reptiles Native To Vietnam Need Protections, Study Says
The study, which draws largely on the bachelor thesis of Lilli Steiger of the University of Cologne in Germany, has recommended that Vietnam adopt the [...]
New 2023 CITES Herp Listings
Did you know that your pet herp may be a species of protected wildlife? Many exotic reptiles and amphibians are protected under CITES, also known as t [...]

The Top 10 ReptilesMagazine Website Stories For 2022
Consistently over the years the No. 1 story of the year is 5 Great Beginner Pet Snakes. This story has performed exceptionally well ever since it was [...]
Rescued Savannah Monitor Finds Home At Zoo Atlanta
Savannah monitors are also known as Bosc's monitors and are native to sub-Saharan Africa and are a ground-dwelling species. [...]

Crested Geckos Have Sticky Tail Pads That Can Support 5X Their Mass, Study Says
Geckos are known for their sticky toe pads. In fact, researchers have studied the stickiness of toe pads of geckos and have found that some species ca [...]
South Carolina Bans Keeping Of Tegu Lizards
South Carolina has banned the importation of Argentine black and white tegus (Salvator meriane)and their hybrids into the state, and breeding of the s [...]

Six Legless Lizards
What is the difference between a legless lizard and a snake? Although at first glance they may look like a snake, legless lizards have anatomically di [...]

New Bacterium Strain Killing Lizards On Australia’s Christmas Island
Researchers with the Sydney School of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney in Australia and the Taronga Conservation Society Australia were [...]
Asian Water Monitor That Spent All Summer At Kansas Lake Finally Captured
An Asian water monitor (Varanus salvator) that residents of Lake of the Forest, KS said had spent most of the summer at the lake, has been captured an [...]

Male Southern Alligator Lizards Clamp The Heads Of Their Mates For Hours During Courtship
Southern alligator lizards (Elgaria multicarinata) have an interesting courtship whereby the male clamps its jaw onto the head of the female and does [...]

Komodo Dragons Threatened By Rising Sea Levels And A Warming Planet, Scientists Say
Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis), the largest lizards on the planet live on just a few islands in the Indonesian archipelago. There are only an es [...]
Petsmart Teams With Snapchat To Promote Reptile Keeping
Petsmart announced it is using an augmented reality lens with the Snapchat social medial platform in an effort to promote reptile keeping. The AR lens [...]

USARK Challenges Florida’s New Law On Reptile Keeping Restrictions
The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is challenging a new law signed last month by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that places restricti [...]

Australian Lizards Illegally Bound For China Intercepted By Australian Authorities
Australian postal workers who couldn’t explain abnormal shadows in x-ray scans of rice cookers, called the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service for a [...]
Dunes Sagebrush Lizard Under Review For Federal Endangered Species Act Protections.
After years of legal wrangling, a failed initiative by oil and gas companies to voluntarily monitor the heath of the dunes sagebrush lizard, and other [...]
Australia Rock Skink, Named Just A Year Ago May Be Headed to Extinction
The Kaputar rock skink (Egernia roomi), informally known for decades but recently given a scientific name in August 2019 may be on the verge of collap [...]

How To Get Your Hognose Snake to Start Eating Again
Whether you’re a first-time reptile owner or an experienced keeper, one pet that can cause a lot of trouble is hognose snakes. These adorable snak [...]

Florida Bill Would Ban Sale And Possession of Tegus and Green Iguanas
The bill, if signed into law, would affect thousands of jobs in a $100-million-a-year business. [...]

Golden Gecko Care Sheet
Updated February 3, 2023
Golden Geckos (Gekko Ulikovskii)
Golden geckos are an arboreal species native to Vietnam. Their care requirements are eas [...]
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