Category: Snake Information & News

5 Facts About the Burmese Python
The python is known as the gentle giant in the reptile hobby for its reportedly calmer demeanor than that of the other large constricting snakes. [...]
Cottonmouth Snakes Are Eating Burmese Pythons In Florida Everglades
Scientists have confirmed at least two cases of adult Florida cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti) snakes eating young Burmese pythons. [...]

Rattlesnake Researcher William Martin Dies After Timber Rattlesnake Bite
Martin, a rattlesnake researcher who, at the age of 13, documented the first instance of timber rattlesnakes in the Bull Run Mountains. [...]
Bullsnake Eats Golf Balls, Gets Stuck In Chicken Coop
The hapless snake had to be helped by two folks from the Northern Colorado Wildlife Center. [...]

Man Saves Fawn From Black Rat Snake
The snake was also wrapped around the fawn's legs, but not around its neck completely when he happened upon the encounter. [...]

Sacramento, CA to Hold First SnakeFest Conservation Festival July 16
The festival will also enable participants to tour the Snake Conservation Center. [...]
Live Gopher Snake Found At Hawaii Home Depot
There are no native snake species on any of the Hawaiian Islands. [...]

Aussie Woman Vacuums Up Red-Bellied Black Snake
“He seems fine,” McKenzie said in the video posted to Instagram. “Probably just a bit shaken up from his little roller coaster.” [...]

Universal Snake Bite Antivenin Testing Begins
The antivenin is currently in pill form, which would make the potential lifesaver available rapidly all over the world. [...]
Illinois 7th Grader Gets Eastern Milksnake Designated Official Snake Of State
The eastern milksnake is found in much of Illinois and makes its home in fields, woodlands, rocky hills and river bottoms. [...]

215 Pound Burmese Python Removed From Florida Everglades
Since the launch of the conservancy’s python program in 2013, more than 1,000 pythons weighing more than 26,000 pounds have been removed from 100 squa [...]
Louisiana Cop Wrangles Another Reptile
Swanton is no stranger to reptiles, as he keeps both a green iguana and a bearded dragon. [...]

University of Texas at Arlington Study Looks At Snake Venom Gene Evolution
Snakes had to develop highly specialized venom glands to produce and store what the researchers call a diverse and deadly mix of venoms to those who [...]
Robert Irwin Removes Snake From Road Inside Australia Zoo
Robert is growing into quite the reptile handler and while his voice and mannerisms are his own, you can still see the father in the son. [...]
Pitviper Conference To Be Held July 13-16 in New Mexico
The conference brings together the world's foremost experts on venomous pitvipers. [...]
New Paraguayan Colubrid Snake Species Discovered And Described
The researchers note the snake should be the subject of conservation action due to the limited range in which it was found. [...]
13-Foot King Cobra Caught And Released In India
The king cobra is not a member of the Naja genus, which all other cobras are, but rather has its own genus, Ophiophagus, Greek for “snake eating.” [...]
Captive Wildlife Permit Rules Changed In Florida
"Leaving Floridians’ livelihoods, businesses, hobbies and pets open to wide interpretation. . . is scary to all permit holders, especially those of us [...]

Rattlesnake Handler at Texas Rattlesnake Roundup Dies of Snake Bite
This particular festival was showcasing about 18 live rattlesnakes and had about 100 lbs of snake meat to cook for festival goers, according to news r [...]

21 Percent Of All Reptile Species Threatened With Extinction, Study Says
Climate change is described as a looming threat to reptiles, as the changes reduce thermally viable windows for foraging, among other things. [...]
26 Eastern Indigo Snakes Released In Northern Florida
Eastern indigo snakes are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. [...]
Ball Python Found On Walmart Shelf In Indiana Adopted
The seemingly healthy snake was found at the store April 19 and brought to the City of Bloomington Animal Care and Control. [...]
Vietnamese Rat Snake Found In California Man’s Couch
Vietnamese blue beauty rat snakes are of the family Colubridae and are a semi-arboreal species native to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. [...]

Eastern Indigo Snake Found In Alabama Wild For Second Time In 60 Years
The Eastern indigo hatchling found last week, and the first found in 2020, indicates the captive breeding and release efforts are having success. [...]