Category: Health
Insuring Your Bearded Dragon With Pet Insurance
If you’re passionate about taking that 10 to 15-year journey with your beardie, insure their health today! [...]
Renal Disease in Reptiles and Amphibians
Through the publication of my research paper on gout in Odatria, I’ve read and learned a lot about herptile urology, or the study of the urinary tract [...]
The Importance Of Veterinarians In Reptile Keeping
Veterinarians are wonderful sources of knowledge for keepers. They can guide owners and breeders on proper biosecurity and quarantine practices, espec [...]
UVB Lighting For Your Reptiles
UVB lighting is a
necessity, not an accessory! Here’s why. [...]
REPTA Announces Deleterious Genes Policy
The Reptile & Exotic Pet Trade Association in the United Kingdom has announced its Deleterious Genes Policy, a policy that implores its members in the [...]

Adopting a Reptile: What to Look For
Before you decide whether to bring the herp home, there are questions you have to ask the current owner. [...]
Tail Amputation: Care After Surgery
A majority of amputations only need the tip or back quarter of the tail removed. [...]
Choosing The Right Reptile Substrate
Care also needs to be taken when choosing the correct substrate, and maintenance of said substrate. [...]
Gut Loading Feeder Insects And Why It’s Important
There is a difference between feeding the insects for your reptile’s nutrition and feeding the insects for their nutrition. [...]

UC Davis Exotic Vets Remove Bladder Stone From 80-Year-Old Desert Tortoise
Tortie, a California desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) who has grown up with the same family for more than 60 years recently underwent successful s [...]
Reptile Cloacal Prolapse
With how many major body systems are involved with the cloaca, it makes cloacal prolapses very difficult to assess fully, as cloacal prolapses are oft [...]
Why Enclosure Design Matters
Enrichment is an extremely important aspect of reptile welfare that can reduce stress-related behaviors. [...]

Snake Fungal Disease Appeared In USA As Far Back As 1945, Study Says
A microbiologist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin, looked at more than 500 preserved snakes in [...]

Sea Turtle Speared In Florida Recovering At Turtle Hospital
Splinter is in recovery after the 3-foot long spear was removed from her body. [...]

Reptile Vet Safely Removes Hot Wheel From Pet Lace Monitor
The big lizard is doing much better thanks to a non-surgical method of removing the toy car from its stomach. [...]

Green Tree Python With Broken Jaw Fixed With Paper Clip And Superglue
Dr. Joshua Llinas, of HerpVet in Mt. Ommaney in Queensland, Australia fixed the jaw of Toothless after she damaged it while feeding. [...]

How A Russian Tortoise Survived A Dog Bite
An English mastiff bites a Russian tortoise and a vet team saves him just in time. [...]

Why Is My Chinese Water Dragon Skinny?
If your water dragon looks skinny to you, please seek out a veterinarian to run a fecal test. [...]
Baby Sulcata Tortoise Fitted For 3D Printed Legs After Fire Burns Them
A new bulb caused a fire in Bump's enclosure, severely damaging her legs. [...]

An In-Depth Look At UV Light And Its Proper Use With Reptiles
UV or Not UV? That is the Question [...]

The Vet Report: At The First Sign of Illness, Take Your Reptile to a Vet
About five years ago, I wrote about an experience I had at a national reptile expo. Very few people know what I look like, because my mug shot has nev [...]

Veterinarian Removes Massive Bladder Stone from Sulcata Tortoise
The bladder stone was about the size of a softball. [...]

Some Snakes Swallow The Darnest Things
A brown tree snake was brought to a veterinary clinic in north Queensland, Australia after a snake catcher removed it from a barbecue next to a house. [...]

Reptile Medicine: It’s Not Always Fun
As a veterinarian, I have certainly experienced “miracle” cases—those in which animals survive and thrive regardless of the odds&mda [...]