Author: Douglas Mader, M.S., DVM, DABVP

Can A Retic With Inclusion Body Disease Still Strike?
Inclusion body disease is known to strike pythons and boas. [...]

The Vet Report: Contrary To Popular Belief, Snakes Can Hear
“Well, Mr. Jones, I have to disagree with you. Snakes do have internal ears, and they can hear.” [...]

The Vet Report: Puka, The Sea Turtle With A Hole
When Puka came to the Turtle Hospital, the director at first wanted to euthanize her. My first thought was that I had to agree. A hole in a sea turtle [...]

Metabolic Bone Disease In Reptiles
MBD is not actually a single disease entity, it is a collection of medical disorders affecting the integrity and function of bones. [...]

Reptile Medicine Behind Bars At The Monroe County Sheriff’s Animal Farm
The Monroe County Jail in Florida is home to a variety of animals, cared for by inmates. [...]

The Vet Report: Reptile Vomiting and Regurgitation
The two most common causes of vomiting or regurgitation in snakes are low-environmental temperature and handling the animal too soon after eating. [...]

Mites in Reptiles
Mites can be both a nuisance and a costly problem in any reptile collection. [...]

The Vet Report: Environmental Enrichment for Reptiles
Environmental enrichment will improve the health of captive reptiles. [...]

The Vet Report: Burns in Reptiles
Thermal burns in reptiles are one of the most common injuries seen by herp veterinarians.The exact reason why reptiles seem so prone to burns is not u [...]

The Vet Report: A List of Common Internal Parasites in Reptiles
A parasite is any animal that lives on or within a second animal, and for the most part, parasites live in harmony with their hosts in the wild. They [...]

Bearded Dragon Aneurysms
In beardies, aneurysms can occur in many different locations. [...]

Fibropapilloma: A Devastating Sea Turtle Disease
Sea turtles have always been considered a sentinel animal in our world’s oceans—the canaries in the coal mine, if you will. These present- [...]

How To Recognize And Prevent Medical Ailments In Amphibians
There are more than 7,000 species of amphibians, with the actual numbers changing daily (see for the most recent data). This group of [...]

Snake Anatomy
Know your snake inside and out with this snake anatomy introduction. [...]

Chinese Water Dragon With Mouth Lump
My female Chinese water dragon has a strange whitish lump on the outside of her mouth. [...]
Five Veterinarians Designated First-Ever Reptile And Amphibian Specialists
The American Board of Veterinary Practitioners has designated five veterinarians as the first-ever Reptile and Amphibian Specialists. [...]

Reptiles, Candles And Incense
Are things like incense and candles harmful to reptiles and amphibians? [...]

Giving Reptiles Medication Via Feeders
Q. Can we give medication to our reptiles by putting the meds inside feeders, such as a pinky mouse?
Dan Folsum
v [...]

An injured crocodile was taken to surgery, and about four hours, four plates and 41 stainless steel screws later, “RoboCroc,” was reborn. [...]

Snake Respiratory System Anatomy
Know your snake inside and out with this snake respiratory system anatomy overview. [...]

Snake Immune System Anatomy
Know your snake inside and out with this snake immune system anatomy overview. [...]

Snake Gastrointestinal Tract Anatomy
Know your snake inside and out with this snake gastrointestinal tract anatomy overview. [...]

Snake Cardiovascular System Anatomy
Know your snake inside and out with this snake cardiovascular system anatomy overview. [...]
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