Tag: amphibians
Sex Determination in African Clawed Frogs Discovered
African clawed frogs are quite possibly the most studied amphibian. [...]
High Numbers Of Red-Backed Salamanders Found In Northeastern U.S. Forests
The researchers estimate that there are about 5,300 salamanders in every football field-sized patch of forest in the northeastern United States [...]
Josh’s Frogs Accepting Applications For Amphibian Grant Program
The public will be invited to participate in the grant program via public vote after seven grant recipients are selected. [...]
World’s Amphibians Most Threatened Vertebrate Class, Study Says
Since 1980, 37 amphibian species have gone extinct, with the most recent extinctions being the the Chiriqui harlequin frog and the sharp snouted day f [...]

Snake Road Closes in Illinois For Annual Herp Migration
The state's forest service began closing the road in the early 1970s to let these reptiles and amphibians safely cross without the threat of vehicular [...]
Caecilians Have Developed Resistance to Neurotoxic Elapid Snake Venoms
The research is a textbook example of how predatory pressure on the caecilians caused an evolutionary cascade to resist snake venom. [...]
New 2023 CITES Herp Listings
Did you know that your pet herp may be a species of protected wildlife? Many exotic reptiles and amphibians are protected under CITES, also known as t [...]

Josh’s Frogs Announces Winners Of 2022 Amphibian Conservation Grant Program
The winners will receive a grant ranging from $500 to $1,500, with the recipient of each grant decided by a public vote on the Josh's Frogs website.
Cuban Treefrogs In Florida Carry Rat Lungworm Disease
The state recommends that you euthanize the amphibian immediately and humanely once captured. [...]
Creating Microhabitats For Frogs
Amphibian enthusiasts who have cleared the first few hurdles of the hobby, who are comfortable with the ins and outs of general husbandry, are ready [...]
Northern Leopard Frogs Released Into Washington’s Columbia National Wildlife Refuge
Hundreds of northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) were released back into the wild in Washington’s Columbia National Wildlife Refuge as part of an eff [...]

New Restrictions Proposed On Box Turtles, Native Herps In Virginia
The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources has proposed new restrictions on the keeping of native reptiles and amphibians, and would ban the keepin [...]

The Return of Red-Legged Frogs to Southern California
The effort to return California red-legged frogs (Rana draytonii) to Southern California, which has been ongoing by Robert Fisher from the U.S. Geolog [...]
50 of 400 Endangered Pickersgill’s Reed Frogs Released In South Africa
Approximately 50 of 400 Pickersgill’s reed frogs were released into South Africa’s Buffeldraai, KwaZulu-Natal earlier this week. The release, which wa [...]
More Than 700 One-Year-Old Wyoming Toads Released Into The Wild
The Wyoming toad, (Bufo baxteri) thought to have gone extinct in the wild in 1985, has made tremendous strides since a captive breeding effort began a [...]

White’s Treefrog Care Sheet
White's treefrog is also known as the dumpy frog and Australian green tree frog (Litoria caerulea). [...]

Tiger Salamander Care Sheet
Tips on caring for and keeping the tiger salamander [...]
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