Category: Lizard Information & News

1 8 9 10 11 12 23 240 / 541 POSTS
Whole Tuatara Genome Sequence Completed

Whole Tuatara Genome Sequence Completed

Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), are lizard-like reptiles endemic to New Zealand and are the only living member of the reptilian order Rhynchocephalia ( [...]

Petsmart Teams With Snapchat To Promote Reptile Keeping

Petsmart announced it is using an augmented reality lens with the Snapchat social medial platform in an effort to promote reptile keeping. The AR lens [...]
USARK Challenges Florida’s New Law On Reptile Keeping Restrictions

USARK Challenges Florida’s New Law On Reptile Keeping Restrictions

The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is challenging a new law signed last month by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that places restricti [...]
Australian Lizards Illegally Bound For China Intercepted By Australian Authorities

Australian Lizards Illegally Bound For China Intercepted By Australian Authorities

Australian postal workers who couldn’t explain abnormal shadows in x-ray scans of rice cookers, called the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service for a [...]

Dunes Sagebrush Lizard Under Review For Federal Endangered Species Act Protections.

After years of legal wrangling, a failed initiative by oil and gas companies to voluntarily monitor the heath of the dunes sagebrush lizard, and other [...]

Australia Rock Skink, Named Just A Year Ago May Be Headed to Extinction

The Kaputar rock skink (Egernia roomi), informally known for decades but recently given a scientific name in August 2019 may be on the verge of collap [...]
Lost Bearded Dragon Turns Up Safe 10 Days Later

Lost Bearded Dragon Turns Up Safe 10 Days Later

A bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) that got out of his enclosure June 13 and then spent 10 days wandering about 4km away from his home was returned t [...]
Nose-Horned Lizard Not Seen Since 1891 Rediscovered In Indonesia

Nose-Horned Lizard Not Seen Since 1891 Rediscovered In Indonesia

Modigliani’s lizard, (Harpesaurus modiglianii) a lizard of the Agamidae family that hasn’t been seen since it was first discovered way back in 1891, h [...]
Malaysian Man Removes Sardine Can Stuck On Monitor Lizard's Nose

Malaysian Man Removes Sardine Can Stuck On Monitor Lizard's Nose

After four attempts the man was successful in removing the can from the lizard's nose. [...]
Researchers See Steady But Still Troublesome Decline In Reptile Poaching In Pakistan

Researchers See Steady But Still Troublesome Decline In Reptile Poaching In Pakistan

Poaching in the country is mostly undocumented and accurate data is difficult to acquire [...]
Researchers Euthanize Northern Curly-Tailed Lizard With Massive Fecal Impaction

Researchers Euthanize Northern Curly-Tailed Lizard With Massive Fecal Impaction

The female lizard was found in Cocoa Beach, FL with a visibly distended abdomen. [...]
California’s Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard Threatened By Warming Planet, Study Says

California’s Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard Threatened By Warming Planet, Study Says

The blunt-nosed leopard lizard was listed on the federal endangered species list in 1967. [...]
USFWS Again To Consider Dunes Sagebrush Lizard As Endangered Species

USFWS Again To Consider Dunes Sagebrush Lizard As Endangered Species

The lizard was once considered a candidate for ESA protections but a failed scheme put forth by the state of Texas has the USFWS again considering it. [...]

Five-Lined Skink Discovered In Rhode Island

Plestidon fasciatus is not native to the state, but could be the result of range extension. [...]
Researchers Discover And Describe New Gecko Species From Cambodia

Researchers Discover And Describe New Gecko Species From Cambodia

The bent-toed gecko (Cyrtodactylus phnomchiensis) was found in Cambodia’s Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary. [...]
Texas Horned Lizard Subject Of Conservation Study By U. Of Texas Master’s Student

Texas Horned Lizard Subject Of Conservation Study By U. Of Texas Master’s Student

If you live in Texas and wish to get involved with Killian's study, visit the iNaturalist website and check the Texas horned lizard project of south T [...]
Three-toed Skink’s Ability To Give Birth And Lay Eggs May Signal Evolutionary Shift

Three-toed Skink’s Ability To Give Birth And Lay Eggs May Signal Evolutionary Shift

The three-toed skink (Saiphos equalis), may be in the midst of an evolutionary shift between being an egg-layer and a livebearer. [...]
New Species Of Dragon Lizard Discovered In Southern Africa

New Species Of Dragon Lizard Discovered In Southern Africa

Smaug swazicus, or Swazi dragon lizard grows up to 13 inches from snout to the tip of its tail [...]
Tesla Installs Sand Lizard Fences At Gigafactory In Grünheide Germany

Tesla Installs Sand Lizard Fences At Gigafactory In Grünheide Germany

The sand lizard is a European protected species and is listed as threatened under UK law. [...]
Tiniest Dinosaur Of All Time Discovered Encased In Amber

Tiniest Dinosaur Of All Time Discovered Encased In Amber

Oculudentavis khaungraae has bones similar to that of living lizards. [...]
1 8 9 10 11 12 23 240 / 541 POSTS