Category: Lizard Breeding

Project Varanus salvatorii
When it comes to reptiles, it seems as though there is always another stone to turn over as we are always learning new significant information about t [...]

Male Southern Alligator Lizards Clamp The Heads Of Their Mates For Hours During Courtship
Southern alligator lizards (Elgaria multicarinata) have an interesting courtship whereby the male clamps its jaw onto the head of the female and does [...]
Blue Iguana Conservation Produces 60 Hatchlings In 2020
Blue Iguana Conservation on the Grand Cayman Islands announced that its breeding facility has so far produced 60 hatchling blue iguanas (Cyclura lewis [...]
Komodo Dragons Conceived At Chattanooga Zoo Via Parthenogenesis
The three Komodo dragons were on display for three days last week. [...]

Blue-Spotted Tree Monitors Hatch At UK’s Bristol Zoo Gardens
This marks the first time the zoo has successfully hatched the species. [...]
24 Texas Horned Lizards Hatch At San Antonio Zoo
The 24 hatchling Texas horned lizards are part of a breeding program launched at the zoo two years ago. [...]

Asian Water Dragon Born Via Parthenogenesis At Washington’s National Zoo
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo was the first to confirm facultative parthenogenesis in Asian water dragons. [...]

Asian Water Monitor Breeding And Care Tips
Captive breeding of Varanus salvator has increased the popularity of this beautiful lizard. [...]

What Reptile Would Make An Ideal Breeding Project?
With beardies and ball pythons saturating the market, what is the next breakout star in the reptile hobby? [...]

Gray’s Monitor Lizard Makes its Home at the San Diego Zoo
The Gray's monitor lizard, known as Butaan in the Philippines, is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. [...]

Looking for A Pet Reptile? Consider A Breeder
There are distinct advantages to buying reptiles directly from the source, if you go about it the right way. [...]

Check Out These Super Cute Beaded Lizards That Hatched at the Columbus Zoo
The Columbus Zoo is celebrating the successful hatching of beaded lizards. Hatched out at the end of last month, this marks only the second time that [...]

Black and White Tegus Can Warm Their Bodies During Mating Season
Tegus can maintain their internal body temperatures from 4 to 10°C higher than their burrows [...]

Ornate Uromastyx Care and Breeding Tips
There are approximately 19 to 22 species of Uromastyx belonging to the Old World lizard family Agamidae [...]

The Helodermas: Beaded Lizards And Gila Monsters
With their exquisite beaded osteoderms, striking coloration and fat, forked tongues, beaded lizards and Gila monsters are among the most beautiful rep [...]
Los Angeles Zoo Successfully Hatches Gray’s Monitor Lizard
The Los Angeles Zoo has successfully hatched three gray’s monitor lizards (Varanus olivaceus), a feat that has not been accomplished by the zoo [...]

Keeping Gargoyle Geckos
The gargoyle gecko has simple care requirements and awesome-looking morphs are available [...]

Breeding Gargoyle Geckos
Bonus content to “The Beauty of Gargoyles” in the May/June 2015 issue of REPTILES.
Breeding gargoyle geckos is a relatively s [...]

Leopard Gecko Genetics Unmasked
A primer on leopard gecko morphs and genetics [...]

Keeping and Breeding Moroccan Uromastyx
Expert tips on keeping and breeding the Moroccan Uromastyx [...]

Chester Zoo Releases Captive Bred Sand Lizards Into the Wild
For several years, reptile keepers at the Chester Zoo have been releasing juvenile sand lizards in an effort to bolster their populations in the wild. [...]

Gecko Sex Satellite Loses Control With Russia’s Mission Control
Comedian John Oliver has implored President Putin to #GoGetThoseGeckos [...]

How To Breed Veiled Chameleons
Expert tips on breeding veiled chameleons; their breeding, setup and care [...]

Breeding The Collared Lizard
Collared lizards are very rewarding captives, and there is nothing cuter than newly hatched baby Crotaphytus. [...]