Category: Information & News

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Reptile Awareness Day 2010

Reptile Awareness Day 2010

Check out the Reptile Awareness Day 2010 contest to benefit one lucky conservation group. [...]
Reptile Figures Based On Reptile Icons

Reptile Figures Based On Reptile Icons

Every year, artist Russ Gurley creates an action figure based on someone in the reptile community. [...]

California Upholds Ban On Importation Of Nonnative Frogs And Turtles For Food

California upholds ban on the importation of nonnative frogs and turtles for use as food. [...]
Mice Direct Recalls Frozen Feeders

Mice Direct Recalls Frozen Feeders

Mice Direct recalls its frozen feeder animals for reptiles. [...]
Frog Evolution Sheds Light On Tectonic Events

Frog Evolution Sheds Light On Tectonic Events

Spiny frog evolution sheds light on sequence of tectonic events in Himalayan region and Southeast Asia. [...]
PIJAC Launches Website To Reduce Chytrid

PIJAC Launches Website To Reduce Chytrid

PIJAC launches the website for its Bd-Free Phibs campaign, which aims to raise awareness of and reduce the spread of the deadly chytrid fungus. [...]

Bd Amphibian Notice Of Inquiry

USFWS may list all amphibians as injurious wildlife unless they can be proven to be "Bd free." [...]
How Snakes Climb

How Snakes Climb

A new study examines how snakes are able to climb vertical surfaces. [...]
Frog Sterility And Human Medicine

Frog Sterility And Human Medicine

Medicinal hormones in water threaten frog breeding and survival. [...]
Spotted Salamander Algae Symbiosis

Spotted Salamander Algae Symbiosis

Algae within the cells of spotted salamander embryos. [...]’s Birthday Wish: Find Homes For 15,000 Pets’s Birthday Wish: Find Homes For 15,000 Pets, an online database of adoptable pets, is celebrating its 15th anniversary [...]

SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana Formed

NGO will educate Ghanians and business about importance of frogs [...]

Special Ed Teacher Finds Tree Frog In Costco Salad, Keeps It As Pet

At first startled by the find, she then asked and received permission to keep the frog. [...]
Reptile Awareness Day

Reptile Awareness Day

Reptile Awareness Day is always October 21st. [...]
International Herpetological Symposium

International Herpetological Symposium

The annual International Herpetological Symposium unites a who’s who of herpetoculture. [...]
Herpetology Schools

Herpetology Schools

Bonus content from the March 2010 REPTILES magazine article "A Career in Herps!" [...]

Ray Ashton

Who's Who interview with tortoise expert Ray Ashton. [...]

May 2009 Editor's Note

A fun time can be had making your own reptile videos. [...]

Recognizing Plant Ailments

Bonus content from the May 2010 REPTILES magazine article "Planting For Success." [...]

Reptile Awareness Day Contest

Tell us what you did for Reptile Awareness Day and win a prize. [...]
1 2 3 4 5 96 / 120 POSTS