Author: Site Staff
Dr. Carl Gans
Famous herpetologist Dr. Carl Gans passes. [...]
Python Ban
Senate Committee to consider Python Ban. [...]

Frog Salmonella
Pet frogs blamed for nationwide Salmonella outbreak. [...]
Salamander Regeneration
Mexican axolotl salamander regeneration research. [...]
NARBC Show And Summit
NARBC show and summit set for February 2010 to benefit PIJAC and USARK. [...]

Ghann’s Cricket Farm On Dirty Jobs
Ghann’s Cricket Farm is slated to appear on an episode of the Discovery Channel’s T.V. series Dirty Jobs. [...]
Indiana Reptile Senate Bill 280
S. 280 would regulate reptiles in Indiana. [...]
Delaware Reptile Rules
Delaware adopts new rules pertaining to reptiles and other exotic animals. [...]
USFWS And Nine Constrictor Snakes
USFWS to propose listing nine constrictor snakes as Injurious Wildlife under the Lacey Act. [...]

Florida Sea Turtle Rescue
Veterinarians in Florida play key role in sea turtle rescue. [...]
Texas Reptile Adoptions
Petco seeks homes for 2,000 rescued reptiles and amphibians, and exotic animals. [...]
SPCA To Petco: Return Rescued Animals
Petco is returning 1,500 exotic animals to the SPCA of Texas now that the animal welfare group has changed its mind about placing them in Petco stores [...]
Constrictor Snake Ban
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes ban on trade of nine large constrictor snakes. [...]
Carnivorous Amphibian Fossil
New carnivorous amphibian fossil, Fedexia striegeli, is linked to diversification of amphibians. [...]

Chiricahua Desert Museum Photo Contest
The Chiricahua Desert Museum is hosting a wildlife photo contest. [...]
Connecticut Snake And Reptile Regulations
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection proposes new rules governing reptiles and exotic animals. [...]

Leopard Gecko CT Scan
Leopard gecko is saved by CT scan. [...]
Rhode Island Reptile Rules
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management has adopted amendments to rules governing the importation and possession of reptiles and exoti [...]

Tortoise Faces Extinction
The radiated tortoise (Geochelone radiata) could become extinct within the next 20 years. [...]

Louisiana Reptile Bills
Louisiana reptile bills: iguana regulations, surrendering of illegal animals. [...]
Sierra Nevada Yellow-Legged Frog
Site fidelity may be contributing to the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog's (Rana sierrae) decline in numbers. [...]
Louisiana Reptile House Bill 1354
Louisiana to hold public hearing on House Bill 1354 targeting reptiles and amphibians. [...]
Nine Constrictor Snakes Public Comment
Public comment extension requested on proposal to ban nine constrictor snakes. [...]

Diamondback Terrapin Day
May 13, 2010, is officially Diamondback Terrapin Day. [...]