Disney Star China McClain Apologizes To Hawaiians For Touching Sea Turtle

Disney Star China McClain Apologizes To Hawaiians For Touching Sea Turtle

"I adore these beautiful turtles, and the people of Hawai‘i. We’re very sorry,” she said. [...]
USFWS Records Alligator Crossing Road With Turtle Lunch In its Mouth

USFWS Records Alligator Crossing Road With Turtle Lunch In its Mouth

The Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge is located west of Boynton Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida. [...]
Dunes Sagebrush Lizard Listed Under Endangered Species Act

Dunes Sagebrush Lizard Listed Under Endangered Species Act

The little lizard has been the subject of a tug of war between the USFWS, environmentalists and the oil and gas industry for several decades. [...]
NARBC Arlington and CITES Amphibian Trade Review

NARBC Arlington and CITES Amphibian Trade Review

When a nonnative species is listed under ESA, even domestically born and bred animals can no longer be sold in interstate commerce by private breeders [...]
Bornean Earless Monitor, Blue Tree Monitor Considered For ESA Listing

Bornean Earless Monitor, Blue Tree Monitor Considered For ESA Listing

FWS will be considering these species to be listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA): Bornean earless monitor lizard (Lanthanotus borneensis), bl [...]
ESA Protections For Sonoran Desert Tortoise Not Needed, USFWS Says

ESA Protections For Sonoran Desert Tortoise Not Needed, USFWS Says

The service says that the reptile still occupies most of its historical range with adult population estimates in the hundreds of thousands. [...]
America COMPETES Act of 2022

America COMPETES Act of 2022

This bill gives supreme unilateral authority to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine what species can be imported into the U.S. [...]
Tucson Shovel-nosed Snake Needs Protection, Lawsuit Says

Tucson Shovel-nosed Snake Needs Protection, Lawsuit Says

From the family Colubridae, the snake has a shovel-shaped snout and an inset lower jaw. [...]
USFWS Proposes Protections For Several Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Populations

USFWS Proposes Protections For Several Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Populations

The foothill yellow-legged frog is known for the yellow coloration under their legs. [...]
Narrow-Headed Garter Snake Gets 447 miles of Protected Stream Habitat

Narrow-Headed Garter Snake Gets 447 miles of Protected Stream Habitat

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced the protection of 447 miles of streams in Arizona and New Mexico for the narrow-headed garter snake ( [...]
USFWS Sued For Not Listing Eastern Hellbender Salamander As Endangered Species

USFWS Sued For Not Listing Eastern Hellbender Salamander As Endangered Species

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was sued July 1 by the Waterkeeper Alliance and others for its decision against listing the Eastern hellbender sala [...]
Neuse River Waterdog Salamander Listed As Threatened Under Endangered Species Act

Neuse River Waterdog Salamander Listed As Threatened Under Endangered Species Act

After more than a decade of petitions and lawsuits, the  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has protected the Neuse River waterdog salamander under the En [...]
12 Eastern Indigo Snakes Released In Northern Florida

12 Eastern Indigo Snakes Released In Northern Florida

The Nature Conservancy announced today that it has released 12 Eastern indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi) in northern Florida's Apalachicola Bluffs an [...]
USFWS Denies Protections For 3 Salamander Species Impacted By California Dam Project

USFWS Denies Protections For 3 Salamander Species Impacted By California Dam Project

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service has denied protections for the Samwel salamander (Hydromantes samweli), Shasta salamander, (H. shastae), a [...]
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