Tag: endangered species
33 Endangered Darwin’s Frogs Born at London Zoo
The frog, Rhinoderma darwinii, which is also known as the Southern Darwin's frog, was discovered by Charles Darwin during a trip to Chile. [...]
11 Northwestern Pond Turtles Released Into Columbia River Gorge
The turtles collected from the wild nesting areas are reared at the zoo until they reach about 50 grams. [...]
Dunes Sagebrush Lizard Listed Under Endangered Species Act
The little lizard has been the subject of a tug of war between the USFWS, environmentalists and the oil and gas industry for several decades. [...]
Fort Worth Zoo Releases 75 Louisiana Pine Snakes In Louisiana’s Kisatchie National Forest
This marks the largest number of snakes released in a single event since the captive breeding program began in 2010. [...]
Plateau Spot-tailed Earless Lizard Is Not Endangered, USFWS Concludes
The lizard has been found in robust numbers across its native range. [...]

Texas Doubles Reward For Alligator Snapping Turtle Poaching Tips
Folks just need to contact the Texas’ wildlife crime-stoppers program, Operation Game Thief at (800) 792-GAME (4263) [...]
Psychedelic Rock Gecko, Other Reptiles Native To Vietnam Need Protections, Study Says
The study, which draws largely on the bachelor thesis of Lilli Steiger of the University of Cologne in Germany, has recommended that Vietnam adopt the [...]
Ormat Technologies Sues USFWS Over Dixie Valley Toad Listing
The toad is the smallest toad within the western toad species complex and was only recently described by science in 2017 [...]
Fresno Chafee Zoo Gets $1.2 Million Grant To Bolster Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard Populations
The zoo in 2020 joined an emergency action by the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fresno State University and the Calif [...]

This is Why The Komodo Dragon Is Such An Apex Predator
Video has appeared on social media of a Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) taking down a small deer. [...]
Gopher Tortoises In Eastern Part Of Range Not Qualified For ESA Listing
Head start programs may improve gopher tortoise populations in the future. [...]

USFWS Proposes Protections For Florida Keys Mole Skink
By 2060, 72 to 88 percent of the skink's native range will be underwater, the USFWS says. [...]
Eastern Box Turtle May Be Listed As Threatened By Michigan DNR
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is looking at potentially changing the state’s endangered and threatened species list and is seeking inpu [...]
Saving Sea Turtles At Florida’s Loggerhead Marinelife Center
Sea turtles are seen as strong, brave, guardians of the Earth, but their tough shells and patient ways are fragile in the reality of the world. [...]

Cedar Key Mole Skink May Get Endangered Species Protections
The lizard, which is known to occupy several islands off Florida's Nature Coast, was first petitioned for protections in 2012. [...]

21 Percent Of All Reptile Species Threatened With Extinction, Study Says
Climate change is described as a looming threat to reptiles, as the changes reduce thermally viable windows for foraging, among other things. [...]

California Recommends Temblor Legless Lizard Be Placed On State’s Endangered Species List
The Temblor legless lizard is 4 to 7 inches in length from snout to vent with smooth shiny scales and a blunt tail. [...]
Florida FWC Executive Order Helps Relocate Gopher Tortoises
The gopher tortoise is a federally endangered species that is listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). [...]
CA’s Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard Gets Federal And State Support For Recovery
Local and state agencies with the state of California as well as the federal government have announced a joint conservation effort to recover the blun [...]

Listing Komodo Dragon As Endangered Based On Assumption, Should Be Reassessed
A komodo dragon takes down a deer. Photo by Sergey Uryadnikov/Shutterstock
The listing of the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) as endangered was [...]
Komodo Dragon Reclassified As Endangered Species
The iconic Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), the largest lizard in the world and native only to Komodo National Park in Indonesia, has been reclass [...]
Northern Leopard Frogs Released Into Washington’s Columbia National Wildlife Refuge
Hundreds of northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) were released back into the wild in Washington’s Columbia National Wildlife Refuge as part of an eff [...]

Florida Man Buys Land To Help Save Local Gopher Tortoise Population
A man on Marco Island in Florida has acquired a vacant plot of land next to his home to ensure that the gopher tortoises that live on the plot are ens [...]

Largest Number Of San Francisco Garter Snakes Found On San Francisco Airport Land
Land owned by the San Francisco International Airport is home to the largest concentration of San Francisco garter snakes discovered to date, accordin [...]