Category: More Reptile Reading

Herpetologist Jamie K. Reaser
A love for amphibians helped this naturalist overcome childhood illness and took her around the world. [...]

The Boa Constrictor
A history of the Boa Constrictor in the pet trade. [...]

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Buy REPTILES magazine merchandise on Zazzle [...]

280 Million Year Old Reptilian Embryos Unearthed
Oldest known fossil embryos found in South America. [...]

How Tadpoles Optimize Their Buoyancy
Tadpoles are well-equipped to adjust their buoyancy in the water. [...]

An Interview With Orinoco Crocodile Expert Dr. Andrés Eloy Seijas
Orinoco crocodile expert Dr. Andrés Eloy Seijas speaks about his experience with this crocodilian. [...]

Aussie Sunset Frogs Released From Perth Zoo In Hopes Of Establishing A Population Outside Their Range
Perth Zoo-raised and hatched frogs released onto private property. [...]

Burning Down The Forest To Restore The Collared Lizard
The introduction of firefighting after WWII to the Ozark Glades diminished collared lizard populations [...]

Expert Care Tips for the Lined Leaf-Tailed Geckos
Check out the lined leaf-tailed gecko — if you can spot it. [...]
Earliest Reptile Footprints
The earliest evidence for the existence of reptiles has been found in Canada. [...]
Everything Crocodilian
Everything you need to know about crocodilians. [...]

Trimming Tortoise Beaks
How do you trim a tortoise beak? [...]