Category: Lizard Information & News

How Does The Panther Chameleon Change Colors?
So you want to know how the panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) changes its skin color? Well, scientists at the University of Geneva in Switzerland [...]
Herpetologist Photographs Male Black And White Tegus Trying To Mate With Dead Female
Necrophilia often occurs in certain reptiles. In September 2013, herpetologist Ivan Sazima witnessed not one but two male black and white tegus attemp [...]

RSPCA In The UK Investigating Abandoned Beardie, Savannah Monitor Crime
Some people. Jeez. Here is a sad story from across the pond. A driver alerted the UK’s Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ab [...]

First Case Of Siamese Twins In Varanus Melinus Reported
Siamese twinning has occurred in the quince monitor lizard, according to a paper published in Herpetological Notes. According to the authors of the pa [...]
Bearded Dragon With Cancer Needs Transport To Florida
A bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) with liver cancer needs some assistance getting to Florida from Maine for an emergency liver surgery, accordi [...]
Shingleback Skinks Found To Be Anemic In Chemically Controlled Aussie Croplands
The Shingleback skink (Tiliqua rugosa ) of Australia has been adversely affected by agricultural chemicals according to research from the Universty of [...]

World’s Smallest Varanus Lizard Species Discovered In Australia
A new species of Varanus lizard has been discovered in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, the Western Australian Museum announced today. The l [...]
Is It A New Species Or A Subspecies Of Whiptail Lizard?
When scientists put two different species of lizard into an enclosure and they mate, generating offspring, are the offspring a new species or a s [...]
Australia’s Striped Legless Lizard Threatened By Overgrazing Kangaroos
The striped legless lizard (Delma impar) of Australia, an endangered species, can be further harmed if kangaroos are allowed to overgraze the Canberra [...]

Herp Queries: Crazy For Corucia, The Solomon Island Skink
The importation of the giant monkey-tail skinks was halted in 2001 when the species was listed as Appendix II on CITES. [...]

CBD To Sue USFWS Over Colorado Checkered Whiptail Lizard Non-Status
The Center for Biological Diversity is suing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for failing to act on whether the Colorado Checkered whiptail lizard s [...]
Video: Monitor Lizard Body Slaps Leopard In South Africa
A leopard chose to keep its distance from a monitor lizard that posed a threat to its well-being during a safari in South Africa’s Kruger Nation [...]
Two New Lizard Species Discovered In Queensland, Australia
Two new lizards species have been discovered in a very remote section of Queensland, Australia by researchers with James Cook University. The lizards [...]

HP’s Lost Iguana Commercial-What Do You Think?
Hewlett-Packard has released a commercial that involves a pet iguana, a little boy and a whole bunch of HP technology. The commercial, “Lost Igu [...]

Oregon Grandma Who Saved Bearded Dragon Faces Eviction
Bearded dragons are one of the most popular pet lizards. [...]

The Texas Spot-Tailed Earless Lizard Next On Endangered Species List?
The spot-tailed earless lizard, native to South Texas, could be the next Texas lizard that may or may not be placed on the Endangered Species List, as [...]

Energy Australia Builds Around Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard Habitat
Energy Australia is building a wind farm in South Australia and is working with environmentalists to ensure that the country’s pygmy bluetongue lizard [...]

Bearded Dragon Lizards Are Smarter Than You Might Think!
Anyone who owns a bearded dragon knows that they are fairly smart reptiles. But did you know that they are smarter than you may have previously though [...]

Keep Your Furry Children’s Toys Away From Your Monitor Lizards
If you keep a savannah monitor, keep small furry toys of the Happy Meal variety away from them as a woman in England found out, her two-year-old savan [...]

Chester Zoo Releases Captive Bred Sand Lizards Into the Wild
For several years, reptile keepers at the Chester Zoo have been releasing juvenile sand lizards in an effort to bolster their populations in the wild. [...]

Animals Eat The Strangest Things: Vet X-Ray Contest Winner Is A Pet Frog ran an X-Ray Contest for veterinarians to see what crazy items animals mistook for food and the winner was a frog. Guess wh [...]

USARK Reptile Super Show Pomona Recap
The Reptile Super show in Pomona was another great herp event thanks to show promoter Ramy Guirguis and all the great vendors. Successful, well-r [...]

How Do Lizards Regrow Their Tails? Researchers Have Found The Answer
Did you ever wonder how some lizards can regenerate their tails after they drop them? Well, so have scientists at Arizona State University who have fo [...]
Flock Of Flying Lizard Skeletons Found In Brazil
Flying lizards are so cool that there was a punk rock band in the 1970s that was named the Flying Lizards. However, there aren’t any lizard [...]