New Day Gecko Species Discovered In India

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New Day Gecko Species Discovered In India

Herpetologists with Osmania University in Hyderabad, India have discovered and described a new gecko species in the ruins of Hampi, a World Heritage S

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Herpetologists with Osmania University in Hyderabad, India have discovered and described a new gecko species in the ruins of Hampi, a World Heritage Site in Karnataka.  The species, named Cnemaspis adii, is a day gecko that was first discovered in 2012 by Dr. Bhargavi Srinivasulu, who was conducting research on bats at the time. 

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Cnemaspis adii

SrinivasuluChelmalaGandla C. Kumar and Bhargavi Srinivasulu

Cnemaspis adii was discovered in a World Heritage Site in India.

Cnemaspis adii is a mottled brownish color with a long ridged tail and is 31.7 to 34.9 mm in length, snout to vent.

The researchers, Srinivasulu, Chelmala, Gandla C. Kumar and Bhargavi Srinivasulu say that the finding of this species in a World Heritage Site calls for the need to continue herping expeditions in the area to determine new species robustness of the genus Cnemaspis in peninsular India.