Category: Frog & Amphibian Care
American Toad Care And History
If you’ve lived in the United States long enough, chances are that you’ve been greeted by hopping, warty friends on rainy days during warmer months [...]
Review: In Situ Ecosystems Amazonia Classic Terrarium
In just five years, In Situ Ecosystems has built and outfitted terrariums that are designed to enable you to easily create rainforest habitats. [...]
Care and Breeding Fire-bellied Toads
Fire-bellied toads are not true toads, but rather are frogs that average about 1.5 to 3.5 inches (4 to 9 cm) in length. [...]
Zoo Med Large Double Door Paludarium Review
The Zoo Med Large Double Door Paludarium is a stunning display piece and makes for a stand-out addition to any reptile or aquarium room. [...]
Gut Loading Feeder Insects And Why It’s Important
There is a difference between feeding the insects for your reptile’s nutrition and feeding the insects for their nutrition. [...]
Keeping and Breeding Red-eyed Treefrogs
Red-eyed treefrogs are fairly easy to house – lucky you! These animals do not get exceptionally large but do require a bit of room as adults. [...]
Creating Microhabitats For Frogs
Amphibian enthusiasts who have cleared the first few hurdles of the hobby, who are comfortable with the ins and outs of general husbandry, are ready [...]
Caring For The African Dwarf Frog
When people hear the word frog, they picture a giant green frog with bulgy eyes hopping through the grass. Or perhaps perched upon a tree branch croak [...]

Keeping White’s Treefrogs
Few frogs are as instantly recognizable as the chubby White's treefrog (Ranoidea caerulea). So named after John White, who first described the species [...]

Expert Care Of The Japanese Fire-Bellied Newt
With proper care, the Japanese fire-bellied newt can live more than 25 years. [...]

Solomon Island Leaf Frog Care And Breeding
This species of frog is now widely available as healthy, captive-bred specimens.

Malaysian Horned Frog Care And Breeding Tips
Get hooked on these awesome anurans. [...]

Painted Frogs Of Madagascar
Mantellas may be tiny in stature, but their appeal is enormous. [...]

Malayan Horned Frog Care And Breeding
Essential tips for successful Malayan horned frog husbandry and reproduction. [...]

Tiger-Leg Monkey Frog Information And Care
If you have the basics of tree frog husbandry down and are looking for a new project, give tiger-legs some serious consideration. [...]

Spanish Ribbed Newt Care Information
Pleurodeles waltl is a large species with interesting behaviors. [...]

Pac-Man Frog Care And Information
The Pac-Man frog looks forward to an exciting future of new species and color morphs. [...]

Care And Breeding Africa’s Colorful Reed Frogs
Reed frogs are well known for the diversity of their appearance. [...]

Care and Breeding The Yellow-Spotted Climbing Toad
These toads are hardy when captive bred, and as easy to keep as a White’s tree frog. [...]

Mandarin Newt Care and Breeding Information
The Mandarin newt originates from the western part of Yunnan Province in southcentral China. [...]

Care and Breeding the Vietnamese Mossy Frog
Like many good things, it all started with a book. When I was a child, a weekly visit to the library resulted in some frustration. I had checked out a [...]

Check Out This Modular Reptile Enclosure Concept
Tommy Leong has launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund the build of this herp enclosure. [...]

Natural History And Captive Care Of The American Bullfrog
The American bullfrog is an icon in the hobby. [...]

The Argentine "Pac Man" Horned Frog – Natural History And Captive Care
The horned frog is a favorite among amphibian keepers primarily due to their small size and compact stature [...]