Author: Russ Case

Bearded Dragon Care Sheet
Care sheet for the inland bearded dragon lizard (Pogona vitticeps). [...]

Help For A Budding Herpetologist
Advice for those who wish to pursue a career with reptiles. [...]

Are Snakes Venomous Or Poisonous?
Venomous reptiles inject or chew to deliver venom, while poisonous frogs have to be touched or eaten to deliver their toxins. [...]

Painted Turtle And Common Snapping Turtle In Same Enclosure?
It’s not advisable to keep these two turtle species together. [...]

Poison Frogs: How Dangerous?
Wild poison frogs are poisonous due to the insects they eat. [...]

Bad Idea: Putting A Horned Lizard In Same Enclosure As Bearded Dragon
Bearded dragons will eat a variety of things, including other lizards. [...]

What Tortoise Can I Keep Indoors?
The Russian tortoise can be kept indoors. [...]
Are Green Iguanas Decreasing In Popularity?
Green iguana lizards are living longer and healthier in captivity than they might otherwise have been. [...]

What Frog Makes A Soothing Noise?
There are a variety of websites that contain recordings of frogs calling, from chirpy types to those that are more quack-like.

Is The Blue-Tongue Skink An Ideal Lizard For Those New To Reptile Keeping?
While the bearded dragon and leopard gecko are most often recommended as the ideal beginner lizards, the blue-tongued skink can also make a good first [...]

Why Is My Chinese Water Dragon Skinny?
If your water dragon looks skinny to you, please seek out a veterinarian to run a fecal test. [...]
Are My Twin-Striped Plated Lizard Eggs Fertile?
If your lizard lays eggs, set up an incubator with a moist medium for the eggs. Make sure to leave them in the same position you found them when you t [...]

Caiman Are For Expert Reptile Keepers
Caiman, even of the dwarf variety will grow very large, and as such are only to be kept by experienced reptile keepers. [...]

Bearded Dragon With Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (NSHP)
If caught early, NSHP can sometimes be cured by a change in husbandry habits, especially in regard to UVB and diet supplementation. [...]

Wildlife Artist Tell Hicks
Wildlife artist Tell Hicks discusses his work, his life, and a horrifying moment involving a kid with a paint brush full of white paint. [...]

When Will My Russian Tortoise Learn How To Mate?
Do you have any advice to share about a good way to tell if a successful mating has occurred? [...]

The Green Anole Is Small On Price And Big On Personality
The green anole has been a mainstay in the reptile hobby for decades. [...]

Ton Jones of the Auction Hunters
Many know Ton Jones from the Spike TV show “Auction Hunters,” but he’s been a fixture in the reptile community for years
I t [...]

The Hunt Is On!
Join our scavenger hunt and be one of five lucky winners to win! [...]

REPTILES' Daytona Turtle Giveaway!
Sponsored by the National Reptile Breeders’ Expo and ShipYourReptiles [...]

The REPTILES 2014 Tat Attack Contest
Three winners will receive cash prizes! [...]

2014 Kid Herper Art Contest Winners
Artists from 5 to 15 years old entered and won! [...]

Proper Precautions For Free-Roaming Reptiles
Prevent access to potentially dangerous substances and objects found around the house. [...]

Winners of The Ultimate Ball Python: Morph Makers Guide!
10 free copies are being raffled off by! [...]